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'YAY' Kenna cheers. Joey little brother watches Kenna bout a glass of milk. 'In 20 Minuets we can take the cookies out' I say. Joey looks through his phone 'I'm pretty sure it's just 15 minuets..'

I roll my eyes and walk over to him 'you hush because you're on the naughty list anyway.' Kenna gasps 'joeys not getting presents from Santa ?!' I laugh 'no he isn't, which means hes not aloud to comment about baking cookies for Santa.'

'Someone's gonna have charcoal in their stalking.' She walks into the living room as Amanda enters the kitchen. 'Hot chocolate anyone' He opens up the kurieg. I shake my head no and joey nods 'yes pleaseee.'

Chris comes in the door with a little bag shaking intensely. I look at him and narrow my eyes 'what are you hiding Christopher John weathers.'

He looks at me 'no-no-n—othing!' My dad lets out a chuckle 'you're a horrible liar, let's get that out the way.' most of the the time when things bother or frustrate Chris after their solved he won't mention them again, so I knew there was nothing about Lexi.

Maybe he was getting drafted into the nfl? Maybe he's nervous with excitement? 'Can we all just.. go into the living room?' Amanda hands joey his hot chocolate and we each venture into the living room with joeys family and the rest of mine.

'so uh...' he scratches the back of his neck. 'BOO YOU SUCK, GET OFF THE STAGE' Kenna says throwing a ribbon his way. I let out an ugly laugh while Amanda scolds Kenna for interrupting. It wasn't until a few second later my mother scolded me 'your brother has something to say, be quiet.'

I frown and rest my head on joeys shoulder. Lexi face plams 'there's a family Christmas gift in the bag' she smiles slightly. He nods and swallow hard. Why was he being so weird. Maybe he's just being his normal dork self.

They both sit and open up the red bag. Chris slowly reaches out and places a little pair of green socks out of the bag and Lexi pulls out a bottle and a little pacifier.

I shoot up and tackle him 'I'm gonna be an aunt!' My mom hugs Jen and looks to Chris speaking in Portuguese. McKenna looks at me 'she said she's happy to be a grandma.' I nod and give Chris a big hug with tears filling my eyes.

'Casey why are you crying!' He separates me from his shoulder. 'I'm just so happy...' I hug Lexi and we each look over to my dad whk looked like the meme of the one guy blinking in shock.

'I—Chris— I thought it would be Casey first' he lets out. I frown and thump his leg 'what are you tryna say?!' I wipe away my tears 'honey, you've got to quit crying. This isn't even your baby..' Amanda pats my shoulder.

I rolls my eyes 'I know it's just he's my twin— and we grew up— he'll just be a great dad' although he and I aren't technical adults, my parents don't really mind since our birthday is late and my moms family kind of basis around young adult parenting.

She can leave me alone about kids for a while now. 'Casey your turn!' My mom looks to me. Joey goes white 'you—' I cut him off 'mom im not pregnant...do I look pregnant or something?'

joey shakes his head 'your pretty much a twig.' I chuck the gift bag his way while Chris, Lexi, and Kenna snicker. It was real. I'm going to be an aunt. A real life aunt.



Casey wants to go out tonight which was fine. I was currently at chars cabin till this pink headed blonde chick appeared again. 'Does she have shed own damn cabin?' I blow smoke.

Chad continues with his game without looking our way 'how do you keep getting in here...' char grabs his back of chips 'we probably left the back door open.'

She steals one of chars chips 'there's a party in my cabin so I thought I'd invite you guys.' I put out the remains of my blunt and shrug 'why not?' Chad gets up and tosses his controller 'god damnit I was so close!'

We followed her into her cabin where the party was. It was mostly girls, none that I really knew. I seen Loren and Luna. Jordyn a few times too but nothing I really cared about. It was just like a highschool party. All the girls and all the drinks.

'Want a mint?' I girl holds her hand out to me. I take one of the oddly colored and shaped mints and accidentally swallow it. 'no joey!' Leah rushes over. 'What the hell was that, it's not a mint...'

'Jesus your so stupid , she gave you a xan.' I eyes go wide 'I have a date with ca—' she cuts me off 'you can't go. She'll be pissed.' I nod in agreement and pull out my phone

Me- rain check?
Casey- I just got ready.
Me-I'm sorry babe..
Casey-you owe me one.
Me-definitely .

What the hell am I doing and why'd I let myself wind up here. A room full of people that hardly care about me besides my two friends. I should've just stayed at home and went out with my girl.

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