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It was New Years. The last day of this year. Joeys still been blowing me off and secretly making me cry a countless about of times, but I know I'm really sensitive. He doesn't know he makes me cry. Conveniently, Mikey's been here to help with the aftermath.

'Amanda says we have to go shopping.' Mikey cheeks open the door. I look up from my FaceTime call with jo 'alright, meet you downstairs in ten.' I say. He nods a closed my door back.

'He's just dying to make a move on you.' Joey snarls. I laugh 'you're just a jealous boy.' I get up and put on a sweater walking down the stairs. 'I'll see you tonight' he says. I nod 'love you'

He kisses the screen before saying 'love you too.' And hanging up. I look over to Mikey 'let's goo' he pats a seat next to him on the couch. 'I lied, I just wanted you to get off the phone.' I roll my eyes 'you could've just rushed me you shrude.' My phone starts to buzz so I click over to messages.

Unknown- he's with me.

It wasn't like I could text back because it was a *67 number. I kind of just brushed it off. I just got off the phone with joey and he was at home.

For the past few days everything's been slipping my mind just because of the fact that I've been smoking again. I couldn't remember anything really. Leah's been following everyone around which isn't really a problem know. We kinda just got used to it.

'Were all going to Casey's later, right?' Chad asks. I nod and hang my feet off the side of the couch. Charles is talking to this girl named melody, so she's around a lot. Chads into some girl but he won't tell us her name. I personally thing it's Loren.

I sat there and thought about what's been eating away at me. A few days after the Christmas party, there was a girl. Not even sure of her name. Since we've been back we've been keeping ourselves busy by going to party.

This girl kissed me. I didn't kiss back but I didn't push her away so quickly. I felt so guilty that I canceled on Casey. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep doing that without frustrating her. I feel even more guilty that I haven't mentioned it to Casey.

It's been a while since it happened but I don't know. I wasn't opposed to this girl kissing me. I kind of let her but pushed her away because it was wrong. 'Earth to joey.' Leah waves her hand in my face.

I sit up and rub my eyes 'my bad.' Char glances over at me 'what's on yo mindd boy' I let my eyes shift over to Leah letting him know we can't speak of it as long as she's around.

'Come on no fair! I haven't done anything bad to any of you.' She says noticing what I had just done. Melody snickers and I huff 'like besides following us around and being annoying?'

her mouth drops a little and she punches my shoulder making me laugh. 'I'm not gonna say right now.' I say. She shrugs. About an hour or two later we head to Casey's house.

My eyes search the room for her and on course she was talking to Mikey. I go into the kitchen and wave to her mother. 'Come talk to me joey.' She says motioning to the table.

I walk over to the table and sit. a little scared because she's very unpredictable. 'why are you pushing Casey away..' my eyes widen a bit and then it hits me. I'd spend every second of the day with her and it was fine, sure we had our arguments, but the moment we got here I starting pushing her away and didn't even realize it.

'I...I guess I'm afraid?' I say in a low tone. 'Afraid is what?' She raises her eyebrow. 'This is the longest relationship ship I've been in. The Only relationship. I feel something strong for Casey but... I'm scared I'll screw it all up.'

Before she can say anything else Casey and Mikey peer beside the table. 'Mom stop harassing him.' She throws her hands in the air defensively. I look over at Mikey's arm, draped over Casey's shoulder.


Joey stands and pries Mikey's Hands from my shoulder so he hand put his arm there. I smile and peck his lips 'did you miss me?'

'Trying not too doesn't seem to help' He grins. We walk away to the staircase and sit on them. 'I'm gonna go get some drinks okay' I say. He nods and I walk away bumping into Chris. 'Can we talk?' He asks. I nod and motion overr to the downstairs bedroom. We both go inside and close the door to block all the noise.

He started to pass around the room 'what if I'm not a good dad? What if I'm not ready? I'll fail. What it lexi leaves?' I huff 'calm down, Christopher.' He nods and sits beside me on the bed.

'You remember after mom left, you stopped hanging with your friends so you could make sure I was alright?' He nods. 'You taught me to make a sandwich, and how to ride a bike. Even as twins, you practically raised me in a way.' I say. He hugs me and small tears start to form.

'You'll Do perfectly fine.' He nods 'thanks, casey' I playfully punch his shoulder 'anytime bro.' I walk out of the room and pour joey and I some lunch and walk back too the stair case.

'5!..' everyone yelled counting down with the ball drop.

I bring joey his cup and sit beside him. He presses his lips together before turning to me 'a girl kissed me a few days ago.' I fell my heart start to pound 'well did you kiss her back...' he shakes his head no and I feel my heart beat go back to normal.

Mikey rushes over with snacks 'what are you doing?' He shrugs 'staking up in free snacks' I shake my head '...for?' He chuckles a bit 'I'm crashing in your room again' I shrug and watch him walk past us. 'If you like him tell me.'

I look at joey confused 'joey is practically family. Thats like me liking Alex.' He rolls his eyes 'so you like Alex?' I squint my eyes and scrunch my face 'what the hell are you even saying?' He runs his fingers through his hair and sighs. 'Are you cheating on me? Why are u acting like this all of a sudden?' He shakes his leg and let's put a quiet 'no.'

'maybe this is too much for you right now. You should go.' He stands while nodding. I give him a quick hug 'maybe you'll be cooled down by tomorrow morning.' Joey shrugs. 'I love you.' I smile softly.

He stands for a minute, not saying anything. At all, then turns away and walks out of the door. why didn't he say it back? What's going on?

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