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'Why are you two sleeping together?' My mom opens the door. 'Jesus Christ, I'm an adult.' I look over to her. She rolls her eyes 'your only seventeen.' Joey snickers and I shake my head 'you can't—' 'I can because I just did' she turns away and closes the door.

I roll my eyes and look at joey who was eyeing the tv munching on skittles. 'sooo...who is Leah to you anyway.' He sighs and chews slowly. 'Joey.' He laughs a bit and swallows his candy and turns to me 'freshman or sophomore year, I guess we had a "thing" the whole year.'

I shrug 'that's all?' She shakes his head and continues 'we weren't exclusive or anything but I wasn't aloud to talk to any other girl but she could talk to whoever? I guess I kinda realized it and when I told it about her she made a big scene and then never came back.' He rolled his eyes.

'You have a way of making girls make a big scene and then..leaving' I look to him. He chuckles 'shut up, you came back.'

Chris busts in the door and closes it back, locking it. Me and joey stare. His breathing starts to get heavier. 'Can we help you with something?' Joey looks to him. Chris sighs 'I need to talk to my twin, so can you like..get out.'

I look over to joey. 'Actually I like cant' he pops a skittle on him mouth. Chris frowns 'dude come on.' Joey sits there not moving a muscle to leave.

'Fine, but don't tell anyone.' We both nod. He lowers his voice to almost a whisper 'so..' 'wait why are you whispering?' Joey interrupts. I punch his shoulder 'vale is always listening.'

he nods and Chris goes on in the same tone 'Lexi is...she's late' He says. My eyes widen 'hey, maybe she's not eating enough?' I bring my voice down. 'I just want to feel cool too.' Joey brings his voice down too.

Chris sighs 'I told her to wait till I go over but..she might..' he stops. I nod 'it's okay.' He shakes his head 'I just think about mom and dad. They were in college and—'

I cut him off 'You and Lexi aren't them.' He nods and unlocks the door 'see you guys later..' we wave and he exits the room.

Joey smiles 'your birthday is coming up.' I nod 'I'll finally be eighteen' I grin. He pulls me in by the waist and lays back so that I'm on top of him.

'What do you want for your birthday?' He smiles. I lower my face to his but leave space between us 'whatever you wanna give me'

He grins 'I know what I'm gonna give you.' I run my fingers through his hair 'hmm then what are you gonna give me?' He shakes his head 'it's not a present if tell you.' I grin and place a long kiss on his lips.

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