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It was another lonely day, full of people. Same old, chad watching tv, the boys interrupting to watch football. Him yelling that they turned his show off. Then they play a game, then they each fall asleep.

Joeys been better at being a boyfriend but he's also been hanging around Leah a lot more. If he likes her then maybe that's okay? Maybe we're not meant to be. I haven't mentioned what my mom said to anyone and I haven't done what she suggested. I feel like a part of me will be upset either way it goes.


'You gonna way that or what?' Char takes my bag of chips. 'Well I was getting there..' he takes a few out and puts them on my plate making me roll my eyes. 'So you and leah?' Chad raises an eyebrow. I shake my head. 'Still hate her.'

'Then why'd you say what you said to Casey?' Char munches on his chips. 'I'm running.' Chad raises his eyebrows 'from?' He raises his eyebrows.

I sigh and push my tray of food away 'love? You know I really really love Casey but commitment is just scary. I'm scared I'll hurt her again. I'm worried she'll leave. But at the same time I know it's okay if she does because she deserves someone better.'

'You should really explain this to her Incase she really does leave. You know she loves you a lot.' Chad says. Maybe he's right? 'I'll catch you guys later.'

'Class starts in like five minutes ..'

'I have to make things right first.'


'Hello?' I speak into the phone with a shaky voice. 'Casey? Is that you?' aunt clementine speaks into the phone. 'Yeah.' I breathe out. I explain to her everything with joey and what my mom had said.

'maybe you should stay with me for a few months? We'll make you a doctors appointment.' She says. I pause thinking if I should go or not. If I did I'd be leaving joey but it doesn't seem to matter to him anymore.

'What day should I come?' I ask. Without even thinking for a second she goes ahead 'tomorrow evening.' I feel my heart drop. Should I do it? 'I'll book my ticket..' I mumble into the phone before going into the kitchen.



'Wait up birlem' Leah says for the last time catching up to me. I roll my eyes and keep my head forward. 'Having a party tonight, you coming?' I continue to ignore her and keep walking. Why does the parking lot seem so far?.

'Why are you being such an asshole?' She growls making me turn sharply. 'Leah I don't like you and I've never liked you. Alright.' She frowns while folding her arms 'then why are we always hanging out? Why'd you tell your girlfriend you might like me.'

Jesus fuck this girl is never gonna go away. 'I don't hang out with you! I'm hanging out with char and chad in Lorens dorm you happen to live in, ok? What every I say to Casey is because I let you get in my fucking head. I let you fuck it up.'

She gets quiet for a moment 'did I ruin your relationship.' I shrug 'I dunno. Maybe we both did. I shouldn't be running from the person I need.' I turn back around finding my car. Now it was time to tell Casey all of this.



I couldn't waste time. I needed to go now. I needed to get away now. I opened up my laptop and looked at plane tickets for tonight. maybe it was time I put myself above joey? He's been doing it to me.

If I'm pregnant than I should go, right? I shouldn't hang around drunks and pot heads? But if I'm not pregnant then am I throwing my life away for nothing? I know it's stupid of me not to go out and buy I test but it's not that easy. It's terrifying.

Without wasting anymore time I clicked on a ticket for 7 tonight. This is probably best for joey and I. maybe we need time apart.

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