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Joey and I still have a weird tension between us. We were on our flight back home anyway. There was chris and Lexi on the row beside us. In front of sass was joey and char.

'Char you have an extra pair of earbuds?' I ask. He digs into his backpack and people pass us to get into their seats. He reaches over to hand them to me but the topple over behind us.

I joey turns around to asks for them and his eyes go wide. 'What..?' Chad asks. A head peers from behind joeys seat 'I don't know.' Leah says handing him the earbuds.

I take them and roll my eyes 'when I thought college couldn't get any worse..' Char snickers and she looks my way 'excuse me?' I plug in the ear buds and sarcastically smile 'you've been excused.'



'Why are you following me.' I say to Leah. Casey was walking ahead with char and chad, she clearly didn't want to be bothered by Leah. 'I told you I'm gonna get you back.'

I sigh 'Jesus Christ, I don't like you.' she smirks and brings her voice to a low whisper 'Of course you do joey. You guys don't realize it yet. I growl and leave her behind rushing over to Casey.

After we all get our bags we head home leaving Leah where ever it is that she was. Casey handed the headphones back to char and  chad, Casey, and I split from char and went into our little college house.


I'm literally so fucking done with this Leah chick following us everywhere. 'Leah, what's wrong?' Joey asks. I turn around swiftly 'what did you just call me?'

'Casey?' He raises an eyebrow. 'you called me leah.' I toss my bag to the bedroom floor. he looks shocked for a moment 'I..I didn't—'

'It doesn't matter.' I breathe out. 'You okay..' his voice trails off. I look to him and sigh 'are we okay?' He shrugs 'we just had a stupid argument.'

'are you sure?' He nods and pulls my into a tight hug waddling around a bit 'we're fine.' I smile slightly 'I love you' He just continues to hug me with a smile of his faces. He's been avoiding saying that lately.



'thanks for helping me move my stuff in' Leah smiles. I roll my eyes 'Leanna you said this was your stuff.' she shrugs 'she told me if I said it was hers you wouldn't do it.'

'Yeah, no shit' I grab a bottle of water from their fridge. Loren trots into the kitchen with andie 'why's he here?' Loren raises an eyebrow.

'Nice to see you too.' I take a sip of my water. 'It's not a bad thing but I've seen you literally the whole entire winter break..' I shrug and twist the cap back onto my water 'i didn't tell you to come to the snow with me..'

Andie butts in 'leah said you invited all of us' I shake my head 'yeah and Leah's a liar.' Leah waves her hand in the hair 'I'm right here guys' I shrug and walk over to the door 'see you guys later.'

I head back home and see Chris and Leah sitting on the couch. She had tiny tears rolling down her face. 'What's going on..' Christ shifts a little in his seat 'I'm leaving..' he says in a low tone

'Leaving to a new house?' I ask. 'I'm going back home joey...' he says. I look over at Casey who's tears were streaming down her face. 'just give us a few minutes then I'll explain to you..' I nod I walk off.


Joey walk into the room and I turn to Chris. 'you can just stay..' I start until he cuts me off 'I can't stay casey, I have to get a job..a house..' my eyes get cloudy again and I blink feeling the tears roll down my skin.

'What if I get separation anxiety? I've never been without you—' I start. He cuts me off again 'I know I have, your just gonna have to get used to it now...for your niece.'

I little smile appears on my face while I wipe my tears away 'it's a girl?' He nods and I sigh 'I'm sorry I'm being so fucking emotional. It's like I've been stuck to you my whole life. Literally.'

He laughs 'I'll always be around when you need me. No more crying, I've got a few more days until I leave.' For the very first time I felt like I'd miss my brother. Although he's older by a couple of seconds and he's pretty dorky and annoying, I love him. I've never really had anyone around except for him. Seems like there's a lot of changes going around.

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