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I stare at the walls of our big cabin. It was set up like a house so everyone would fit and so that there were enough rooms for everyone. Chris tagged along with Lexi but they must be fine.

I started to unpack when I heard a familiar set of footsteps come into my room. 'You're not mad?' He asks. I turn 'why would I be mad, it's not your fault she's annoying?'

He breathes out as if he were holding it on Incase I said yes. 'At least they're not staying in our cabin.' I turn to him and stand. He wraps his arms around my waste and pecks my lips.

'Gross.' McKenna butts in. 'Kenna, don't you have something else to do?' She rolls her eyes and gets her Barbie out of my bag. 'I should tell your mom..' she mumbles walking off.

I roll my eyes and joey looks up at me tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. 'I'm kinda hungry' I say. He nods 'let's go down to the restaurants, we'll see what we can choose from'


I finish the last of my IHOP and look to joey who was barley eating. 'You've been weird lately' I say taking a sip of my orange juice. he looks up 'I'm just really irritated that girl is here—'

Before he can go on, the one and only strawberry blonde sat on his side of the booth. I roll my eyes and steal a sausage from joeys plate. We got here late last night and neither of us were in the mood to deal with her.

She pats his back 'long time no see!' He huffs 'I seen you literally yesterday.' She shrugs 'but you left to get home to Cassidy or whoever she is.'

'Casey.' He and I say in unison. she turns to me and grins 'you must be one lucky girl.' I shrug and look at joey 'eh' he cracks a small smile before she interrupts again 'feisty, ain't she?'

he look to me ignoring her 'nahh, she's pretty chill.' I getup and motion my head to the register. She sits directly in the way ignoring him. 'Leah, can you scoot?' he asks

She grins 'why we got rid of her? We can sit right here and catch up?' 'Come on Barbie find your own ken.' I say. She turns away and rolls her eyes bumping my shoulder. I shake my head and walk out to the snow with him 'she's something "ain't she" ' I say.

He chuckles a bit 'she's persistent I guess.' A feel a smile starting to form on my lips 'hmm like some else I know..' he puts his arm around me 'oh hush being persistent got me the best ten months of my life.'

I smile 'even when we argued about McDonald's?' He chuckled 'that was a dumb argument and it could've when better..'

I open the door to the cabin and sit on the couch beside Chris and Lexi. 'Wassup Lexi' I say. She turns to me and smiles 'how's everything been?' I shrug 'fine I guess, what about you' she shakes her head 'thinking about how I've dated your dork twin for a little over a year.'

I shake my head 'Chris is a dork..' he looks at me 'we're twins so your a dork too.' Joey sits beside me and adds on 'but which twin nearly fell off the graduation stage.' Chris goes bright pink 'there was chords everywhere!' For what it was worth our trip was going well

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