Chapter 1

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"Alright everyone. Hand in your packets, we need to have a class discussion." Mrs. Armstrong announced.

Everyone got up and walked to her desk and placed our packets in one stack then headed back to our seats. While everyone else chatted with their friends with the little time they had left, I doodled a cartoon character in my notebook.

"Has everyone handed in their packets?" She asked.

Everyone mumbled a yes while one kid ran up and gave her his. Idiot.

"Alright. Its time for your unit projects." Mrs. Armstrong announced.

Everyone groaned while I was actually pretty excited. All our unit projects have given me a chance to show off my artistic ways. Thing is I know that one of these units will involve some kind of group project. And boy am I dreading the day that comes.

"Hey now, I can just give you guys a 50 page essay to write." everyone yelled no. "Alright then I want to hear cheers."

Everyone did a lame "whoo." Gosh, the amount of times I've heard that.

"That sucked but thank you. Now pass these back and I'll explain it in a second." she started handing out packets down the aisles.

I took mine being the last person in my row.

"Hey Zayn, if this is a group project do you maybe wanna be in my group?" a girl asked me.

"Nope. Sorry." I said.

"Hmph, I didn't want you init anyway." she turned around quickly.

Sure you didn't.

"So in this unit who can tell me what we talked about?" Mrs. Armstrong asked.

"We talked about family and life on the internet." a guy called out.

"That's good but what did we specifically talk about?" she said.

Ha, shot down.

A girl raised her hand, "The importance of family."

"Not quite. Come on guys. We've discussed this many times." Mrs. Armstrong said.

Nobody said anything just looking around for somebody that would. Guess that person has to be me.

I raised my hand, "Yes, um Zayn."

"We discussed the importance of family and not always living life on the internet, just generally spending time with the people you love." I said.

"Yes, thank you. Somebody was paying attention." she said making everyone turn to me and glare.

I stuck my tongue out at all of them. Like I give fuck that they're mad cause I'm smart and they aren't.

"So for this assignment you will partner up with one other person. You will get to know your partner and what its like on a regular basis with their family. Kind of like 20 questions, more or less." she smiled to us. "Then for the second part of the assignment you will use visual presentation to demonstrate a better way to communicate with your families besides internet."

I'm fucked, I don't like being in groups. But on the other hand I get to use art.

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