Chapter 19

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It's been at least 5 days and Justin still isn't talking to me. Our 6 month anniversary is today and I have the best surprise for him but I think I fucked it up. I was in the kitchen eating breakfast when Justin came in.

"Morning babe." I said happily.

"Hi." Was all he said.

I finished my breakfast with a sigh then put my plate in the sink. "I made some pancakes and stuff." I turned to him.

"Nah I'll just eat cereal." He said putting the plate away and grabbing a bowl.

"I bought the cereal also." I said testing him.

"Then I'll just eat an apple." He put the bowl back also.

"How long are you going to be mad at me?" I asked.

"I'm not." He shrugged taking a bite of the apple.

"You're lying. You won't eat the breakfast I made and you won't eat the cereal just cause I said I bought it. Which by the way I didn't. You did a while ago." I said folding my arms over my chest.

"Not even and I totally knew that." Justin said.

"Justin today is our anniversary. Can you pause being mad at me for this just one day please?" I practically begged him.

He kept quiet staring at me. I started to get worried after 5 minutes passed.

"Justin ar-"

"So you're going to college?" He asked suddenly.

My brows furrowed in confusion. "No where'd you get that- oh." I remembered the letter that came in the mail.

"Yeah oh. You really thought I didn't go through the mail? And I thought we both decided we weren't gonna go off to college yet!" He started to yell.

"We did but-"

"But what Zayn?! You have no excuse for that!" He yelled.

"First lower your voice. Second Justin before we even decided to not go I already applied for some. Well I didn't my mother did. Without my permission." I said.

"Don't tell me what to fucking do and what if you had gotten in?! Then what would you have done?! You didn't think I would notice you going off to some other country?!" He continued to yell.

"You know what Justin I don't know! I don't know what I would've done ok!" I yelled back.

I don't mean to yell at him. I absolutely hate yelling at him. But sometimes he just needed to be yelled at. Sometimes he just needs a dose of his own medicine.

"Well then answer me this, who and what were you talking about on the patio a couple days ago?" Justin asked.

"It was someone about something. I can't tell you about it." I couldn't tell him about that. It'd ruin the surprise.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Justin you're just gonna have to understand that I can't." I said.

It was obvious that he was mad. He didn't say anything just angrily threw away his apple. "Alright then Zayn. I'm done with this conversation." He says starting to walk out the kitchen.

I moved to the doorway before he could even get there. "Move out the way Zayn." He looked pissed but I didn't care.

"No we need to talk about this. Today is our 6th month and we should be spending it together happily. Not fighting."

"Happy 6 month... Now move." He put on a fake happy tone along with a fake smile which turned into a death stare.

"Justin come on, stop it. You're making a big deal out of nothing." I said and as soon as I did I regretted it.

"I'm making a big deal out of nothing? Out of nothing?! Get the fuck out the way before I fucking knee you in your dick." He says.

I opened my mouth to say something but just stopped myself. I had made it worse than before. Not knowing what to say to make it better I just moved out his way. He still managed to bump shoulders with me roughly pushing me against the doorway.

He walked back to his room and slammed the door. After this I don't know how I'm gonna get out the dog house now.

{hours later}

Hesitantly I walked the short distance from my room to Justin's. Letting out a breath of air as I fixed my suit making sure I looked perfect. I knocked on the door.

"Go away Zayn." Justin yelled.

"Ju- Justin it's our anniversary. I have a surprise for you." I said.

"I don't care. Go away." He yelled.

"Justin come on please. I'm literally begging you at this point to give me another chance. Just please." I said.

It's literally starting to hurt me that I can't even get him to unlock his door. The pain in my chest that I feel when I'm not always around him is the pain I feel now. Except this time, the pain is 100x worse.

Justin never responded and so after 5 minutes of staring at a door I just decided to give and deal with the fact that our relationship has probably taken a turn and there's no way but down.

"What do you want Zayn?" I heard Justin's voice but this time it wasn't behind a door.

When I turned around he was leaning against his doorway with his arms folded over his chest.

"Oh my god you actually-" I got too excited that he came out his room finally. "I- I have a surprise for you. For our anniversary. If you could just get dressed and wear a suit that'd be great." I calmed myself a lot of notches and looked down at the ground.

"Alright fine but I'll take longer than usual to get ready." He said after a long pause.

"That's cool. I don't mind. Do what you gotta do." I said a little excited.

"Whatever." He said going back in his room.

I was bothered by that but let it go. He came out and said ok. That's a start right?

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