Chapter 11

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It was great seeing Zayn smile and laugh with some people he's recently become friends with. What he told me was that he wanted to stay by my side the whole time but I basically made him go away.

Every now and again he'd glance over to me and I guess check up on me. I got so used to being alone that I honestly don't really know how to communicate with people as weird as that sounds.

Me and Zayn are complete opposites of each other...... Well maybe not complete opposites but we have our seperate opinions and views.

But it's just that not too long ago it was just him and me. Then him and me happened. And now it's us. Although we aren't calling it a relationship.... Yet.

Still he acts as if he's known these people his whole life. I can't blend in that well. I mean I do talk and hang out with my new friends but I mean I just sit there sometimes not really apart of the group. I'm not gonna lie sometimes I do feel out of place.

"How's it going babes?" Zayn snapped me out of my thoughts.

I forced a smile onto my face, "Good. Having fun?"

"Yeah I'm really glad you threw me this party, the best boy- party ever." He said.

I didn't peep it until a couple seconds later. I wanted to say something but I could see that he was really hoping I didn't hear.

"Yeah it really is. A lot cool people here." I went along with it.

Zayn kept quiet for a couple minutes as we watched the party happening around us. To be honest I'm surprised they even let me throw the party here, they usually only let holiday parties go on in here. The ones they have put together.

"So babe what'd ya get me?" He wrapped his arms around me placing his chin on my shoulder.

"You'll have to wait and see. But speaking of presents. It has come that time." I said patting his hands.

I went up to the karaoke mic and tapped it three times. The same time I was doing a mic check, I got everyone's attention.

"So how's everybody enjoying the party?" I asked.

They all cheered, "Great good. Now I know you all want to be the teenagers we are and grind and sweat like pigs," surprisingly that made everyone laugh. "but right now the birthday boy has to open up his presents." I motioned over to Zayn.

"So if you all could just gather around the gift booth please and thank you." I put down the mic and hopped off the stage.

They all moved over to the booth table with all the gifts on it. Surprisingly there were a lot. Which honestly is kind of weird cause these people have hardly known him for that long.

As I walked over to the table I grabbed his birthday crown and a chair. "Can some grab a trash bag or can?" I practically yelled.

"Got ya." One of his friends said.

I set the chair down in front of the table and Zayn sat down. I placed the crown on his head and kissed his cheek. The girls aww'd and the guys cheered some yelling get some.

"Shut up Will." Zayn laughed.

A trash bag was handed to me and I stood by Zayn. "So if you recognize your present just yell your name not hey look it's mine cause then we don't know who you are. Sounds good?" I put thumbs up.

"Yeup." They all said at different times.

It was a given that my organization was a bother to some but I let it slide off my back. I started out with the biggest one and handed it to Zayn.

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