Chapter 4

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"You want a snack?" I asked Justin.

He looked up from his phone, "Uh sure."

"Anything in particular?" I asked from the kitchen. Lately for the past week we've been hanging out nonstop. And to be honest I don't mind. He's great company, great to look at, and we aren't really that different. And finally we are doing the project partly because Tuesday, otherwise known as tomorrow, the project is due.

"Surprise me." he yelled back.

I grabbed two cokes from the fridge and put a bag of chips in a bowl and grabbed a bag of skittles then went back into the living room. I tossed him his coke, him catching it.

I set the bowl on the coffee table, "Alright so what's the next question?"

He picked up the assignment packet, "How often do you and your family spend time together?"

"Let's see, 15 minutes when they aren't on a business trip. If I'm lucky a whole 20 minutes." I said partly sarcastic.

"So basically never?" Justin turned to me, a grin on his face.

"Yes." I grinned also.

"Ok, next one," he said finishing writing down whatever he was writing. "Do you and your family ever plan an activity night?"

"Monday's are movie night. Thursday's are game night." I said opening my soda.

He wrote it down. "What could you guys do to spend more time together?"

"How about they stop being such big ass pricks and spend some time with their son for once?" I said tossing a skittle into my mouth.

"So how about, stay home more often?" he asked.

I chuckled shrugging, "Sure."

He laughed writing it down. "Zaynie, we're home sweetie!" I heard my mother yell. Oh god.

My mom and dad rushed over to me and hugged me my mom attacking my face with kisses then abruptly stopped.

"Zaynie, who's this?" she asked pointing to Justin.

"Justin these are my parents, parents these are Justin I mean this is Justin." I said. Justin snickered.

"Is he a friend?" she asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Oh, hello I'm Cassandra and this is my husband Felix." she smiled shaking his hand.

"Justin, I live next door." he smiled.

"So honey tell me, why does my house smell like smoke?" mom asked.

I shrugged, "I smoked inside."

"Zayn I've told you before, do not smoke in the house." she said.

"Really cause I can't remember the last time you were even home to tell me not to do anything." I said.

"Oh god Zayn please don't start with this again. Especially not with your friend here." she said.

"Whatever Cassandra. Nice to see you both are home safe, I'll be upstairs in my room with my friend. Come on Justin." I grabbed the snacks and headed up the stairs into my room. Justin came in behind me and I slammed the door shut.

Collapsing on my bed I sighed. There was a moment of silence then Justin sat on the bed next to me. "So, she calls you Zaynie?"

We both laughed, "God its such a horrible nickname." I said and we both laughed again.

"I don't know man I think it fits." Justin chuckled.

I put a single digit up, "Fuck you ok?"

"Well should we finish?" he asked after a chuckle.

"I really don't feel like it." I said rubbing my face.

"Well I can fill out mine for myself then I guess we could collab with the visual presentation." he shrugged.

I lifted my head up from the bed my eyebrows raised, "Collab?"

"Yeah like collaborate. Like work together. Like part-"

"I know what it means." I said sitting up. "I just didn't expect you to know that word. Not that I'm saying you're stupid, its just its mainly used in the music industry."

He nodded looking at the paper. Does he sing or something?

"Are you a singer?" I asked sitting up.

"Huh, um no." He shook his head.

"Holy shit you totally sing in your free time, don't you?" I punched his shoulder.

"Damn Zayn, ok yes I do. We have a recording studio in our house, I write my own music and try to make it." He said holding his arm.

"You have to show me." I said.

"One day. Now back to the project. What should the visual presentation be of?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it. I got it. Just do your questions." I grabbed my notepad and a pencil and started drawing.

After a couple of hours I finally finished and I also just realized that Justin was doing push ups on the floor. I laughed knocking him onto his side.

"What?" He laughed.

"Finished." I said tossing it down in front of him.

"Damn, this is cool." He got up off the floor.

"Now I can just draw it on a bigger poster and we could color it together or paint or whatever you wanna do to it." I said.

"Where are we gonna get a poster right now?" He asked.

I got up and went into my closet. I pulled out a blank poster. "Right here." I said closing my closet.

"Well get drawing art boy." He said handing me the notepad.

I chuckled shaking my head. I began transferring the drawing onto the bigger poster, making sure it was drawn to fit the poster.

"Well it's not exactly the same but it's very close." I said looking up from the poster. He was doing sit ups. "Do you excercise every time you get bored?" I asked.

"No not all the time. I just haven't been excercising as much lately. So I'm just getting caught up." He did a couple more then got up and looked. "But I think it's exactly the same." He said.

"You think?" I asked looking from one to the other.

"Yeah but the question is do we want to just leave it like this or add color?" He said.

We looked from each other then at the poster then back at each other. "Leave it like this." We said at the same time. I put the poster by my desk and hopped onto my bed.

"Movie?" I asked turning on the tv.

"Sure." He got onto the bed also.

"Hmmmm, Fast & Furious 6?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess." He shrugged.

I shrugged also and pressed play. He grabbed a pillow to hug and laid back on another. I popped a skittle into my mouth. After the movie Justin decided to sleep over cause he didn't feel like climbing across the tree inbetween our rooms.

The Boy Next Door [Zustin Mieber fan fic]Where stories live. Discover now