Chapter 25

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Serena's necklace^

"It's such a pretty day," Scorpius remarks to which I just him back in agreement as I continue to to stare at the Death Eater book in my hands. He abruptly closes my book, lucky my finger saved my page, and I looked at him. "Which means you should get your head out of that book."

"But why? I can do that when we get to Hogsmeade, I mean we still have a little while to walk," I remark but still close my book making sure to put my bookmark in because I know. That Scorpius isn't going to give up.

"But what if we want to talk to you," Alice says and I sigh loudly. Of great now Alice had joined, now all my friends are hanging up on me.

"Yeah, come on Serena," Albus says agreeing with the others I all honesty I think he's worried about me. Because ever spare moment I have, though lately there hasn't been a lot, I have had this book in my hand. He probably knows plenty about Death Eaters and how evil they are and it scared that this book is some how effectively but I haven't changed since I started reading it. But seriously this book is gigantic but luckily I'm almost finished.

"Fine," I sigh exasperated but I can't help but smile happy that my friends like spending time with me and over all the time we have been together haven't found me annoying.

"So, where do you guys want to head?" Scorpius asks as we continue walking down the path to Hogsmeade. I'm wearing one of my animal socks and my scarf because it is still pretty cold with it only being January.

As we keep walking we pass a group of students. I look closer to see Karina, Dominique, a Slytherin who's name I believe is Henry and seems to not like me because I'm a Muggleborn, pure blood families and everything, and then another Slytherin I don't recognize. The three of them glare at us while Dominique just rolls her eyes and drag their attention back to the conversation.

"I swear they are creepy," Alice says out loud once we get far enough to endure that they can't hear us.

I sigh exasperated but only nod my head in agreement. "How about Honeydukes?" Albus suggests as we head into Hogsmeade.

"I don't have any money plus I don't like that you guys always have to buy me stuff," I respond as we walk in and that amazing candy smell hits me and I can't help but happily sigh. "I mean I'm not poor I just hope that my parents will send me an allowance next year. Though how do I use Muggle money here."

"Professor McGonagall will help you with that, but until that happens I am buying you what you want," Scorpius says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders like he always does. "I mean my dad gives me full access to the Malfoy money and doesn't exactly know how to not spoil me, so it's great."

I can't help but chuckle as we start picking out what candies we want and place them on the counter. The others pay for their own whole Scorpius pays for ours. "Thanks Scorp," I say happily as I give him s big hug before picking up the candy I chose off of the counter. We start snacking on them as we walk out of the shop and head to Albus's uncle's shop so we can hang out.

When we get there so are a few of Albus's cousins so I start up a conversation with Fred and we talk for a while until Lucy shows up and Alice and I start discussing what we like in a guy. Which is a strange topic to be talking about considering I've never honestly liked someone before.

"I think he needs to be good looking, smart, and loves me unconditionally," Lucy says while sighing happily as if imagining them.

"Do you have anyone in mind?" I look at her knowing that she likes someone from the bright blush on her face. "Who is it?"

"Shu-shut up," She stutters trying to swat me away like a fly but I dodge her hand. "Anyways, What about you guys? What do you like in a guy?"

"I'm not entirely sure cause I've never liked someone, um," I really don't know I mean I like what she said by I don't want to just repeat her bad use she'll think I'm not trying. "I guess for him to be smart, loyal, and able to stand by me no matter what happens, to always have my back I mean."

"Gosh guys this is hard I like both of your, can I just combine them and say that's my dream guy?" She asks a bit frantic as she isn't sure what to say.

"I guess that's acceptable," Lucy responds making all of us laugh. "But that's a lot to look for, do you think you can find him?"

"I hope so," Alice sighs as she gives us a small smile. "Also he has to be tolerant because at times I'm a bit weird and he will have to be around my mom so he'll have to get used to it."

"Alice," I chastise in a soft voice sad for thinking that so I pull her into a hug. "You are perfect just the way you are."

"Thanks Ser," She responds hugging me back then all of a sudden someone joins out hug and I look to see Scorpius.

He squeezes us even tighter and he speaks, "I love group hugs." Alice and I can't help but laugh as we pull away and he pulls us up to our feet. "Anyways, let's go girls."

"See you in the common room tonight!" I say cheerfully to Lucy as I head out the door with the others. "I always love coming here." I sigh happily.

"Me too," Alice says smiling and bumping my shoulder happily. We all fall into a silence so I decide to pull out my book again and I fall back from group a bit to be able to walk and read easier.

I read a few pages when I finally come to the last page and something kind of jumps out at me. On the page is a bright dark blue diamond. "Zachariah's Hidden Stone," I read aloud to myself, it looks so familiar for some reason.

Out of nowhere a hand covers my mouth while another wraps around my waist dragging me backwards. As I'm about to be pulled into a dark alley I see Albus turn around then hear footsteps running closer. "Serena!" Albus yells as someone grabs him and then everything goes dark.

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