Chapter 32

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It's May 24 and exams are starting next week and I am so nervous I have started having nightmares about failing. I forget everything I've learned this year and bomb the whole thing. In other dreams I walk into class naked, that one left me traumatized and made he doubt myself every time I left the dorm room for an entire week.

When I arrive in the Great Hall I see Albus sitting at the Slytherin table alone eating a bit slow. I frown confused as I head over and plop down across from him. "Hey Al, where is Scorp?" I ask a bit confused he isn't here.

"He locked himself in the loo and said he would see us later," Albus responds after he is finished being startled by my abrupt appearance. I nod my head in understanding before I start to eat.

But as the day goes on Scorpius never shows up for any of his classes neither the ones with me or with Alice and either one of us are in all of his classes. So, in flying class before I get on Albus's broom I ask to use the loo and rush down to the dungeons to the Slytherin common room. I bang on the door to eventually be let in by a sixth year who has a free period. I head up to the boys dorm ignoring the no girls aloud rule.

When I step into Albus and Scorpius's dorm my heart almost breaks at what I see. Scorpius is in a ball on his bed, his knees pulled tightly to his chest as he cries into them. He's almost silent as he shakes except the small whimpers that can be heard. "Oh, Scorpius, what's wrong?" I walk over to him.

He looks up abruptly trying to wipe away his tears quickly as if I haven't already seen them. "Nothing's wrong," He says a fake smile appearing on his tear stained face.

"We both know that isn't true Scorp," I say quietly as I sit on the bed next to him wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

Another tear streams down his face before he is able to hide his face in his hands. "Sorry you have to see me like this," He mutters.

"It's alright to cry, nothing wrong with it. I comfort my sister all the time when she cries and Penelope tends to comfort me when I cry as well," I respond looking at him lovingly, I care about him so much and it hurts to see him like this. "So, what's wrong?"

Scorpius looks at me a bit to get before sighing and giving in. "Today, three years ago, my mother died from a blood borne curse which had no cure," Scorpius answers quietly.

"Oh, Scorp I'm sorry," I say hugging him tightly, I don't necessarily know how he feels but I can only imagine how much pain he is in.

"It's alright, I know it was a long time ago but it's still hard to be happy on this day. And it's the first one where I've been alone and away from father," Scorpius responds looking down at his hands not being able to look at me, but that's okay. He is still mourning and I want to be here with him.

After a few minutes of silence as I just hug him he decides to speak again, "Don't you think you should get back to class, I bet they are wondering where you ran off to."

"I can't just-" I start to argue but he cuts me off.

"I'll meet you at dinner, I promise. Now get back before you get in trouble," Scorpius says giving me a small, sad smile before I sigh.

"You better," I mumble into his shoulder as I give him one last hug before I head back to class. If he isn't at dinner I'm going to be a bit upset. I know he's in pain and probably wants to be alone but I don't want either of those things for him. I don't want him to suffer in pain alone, I mean he did say it's his first day without his father.

When dinner rolls around Scorpius doesn't show up so as I'm about to stand up and go find him he walks in the room. He doesn't go to the Slytherin table as he tries to keep his head down as he heads over to me. He plops down next to me as he leans into my side groaning.

"Why am I hear again?" Scorpius groans as he lays his head on the table.

"Look Ser, It's you!" Alice says laughing as she points at him as if I can't see him. I rub his back soothingly trying to calm him down as I feel him take deep breaths beneath my hand.

"You good?" I whisper when I feel his breathing even out and he sits up and looks at me nodding. "You know I thought you weren't going to come when you don't show up earlier, and I was about to march down there and pull you up."

He looks at me as if he doesn't believe me to which Alice butts in, "It's true! If you hadn't of gotten here when you did I would have feared for your life." She pauses for a second as if forgetting where he train of thought was taking her. "Oh yeah! Why weren't you in classes today?"

"Um, personal issue," Is all he says looking at the table in front of him a sad look on his face.

I bump his shoulder with mine grabbing his attention. "Eat something, I don't think you've eaten all day and that's not good for you," I say looking at him disappointed but soon Chang the subject. "So, how is studying for the finals going?"

Alice and Phoebe start to rant about how stressful it is while Scorpius adds a comment in here and there. Eventually, when Albus joins us he starts ranting to the girls and I zone out a bit having already heard it all in their last study session.

I can't believe that this school year is almost over, it's honestly insane. It feels like so much has happened in this year alone and I don't really want to leave. Even though I know I'll see my friends next year I don't know
if I'll see them over the summer. I mean we seem to be worlds apart. Wait do they live in muggle London.

"I have a question," I interrupt their ranting grabbing all of their attention from their conversation. "Do any of you guys live in muggle London?"

"I don't," Alice and Scorpius say at the same time and chuckle when they look at Each other.

"Yeah, I do, my dad wants us to have a connection with both the muggle and wizard world. So, we live in the house my dad's godfather used to live in before he passed away during the war," Albus says mater of factually before looking at me confused. "Why?"

"I was just wondering if I would see any of you guys this summer. I just thought it would be a bit much to ask for if you didn't live in muggle London," I says scratching the back of my head embarrassed I was even asking, though I'm not sure why.

"Hey, just cause we don't live there doesn't mean we can't visit," Alice states smiling at me happy that I wanted to see her over the summer, maybe.

"I can't this summer though, my dad is taking us to go visit my grandmother in France and we'll be there all summer so maybe next summer," Scorpius says smiling brightly seemingly happy to see his grandma before he becomes dejected again.

"We can send letters to each other so that'll work," Alice says nodding her head in understanding. And I'm not sure how my parents will take me being best friends with two guys. I mean they would probably be okay but confused as to how we became friends if I'm supposed to be at an all girls school, oh well.

When we leave the library and are finally alone Albus asks why Scorpius wasn't in classes today and Scorpius tells him. We all hang out in the Slytherin Common room mostly because Scorpius was tired of being cooped up in the dorm room. I think he's going to be okay.

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