Chapter 33

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"It's finally over!" I say relieved and almost ready to cry as I walk out of my last test. I swear if I fail these tests I will most definitely cry, I have studied too hard to not pass.

When I meet up with Alice and the boys they also have relieved looks on their faces. "I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders," Albus sighs smiling. "I can't believe we leave on two weeks and come back second years!"

"I know I can't stop thinking about it," Alice cheers happily as she spins in a circle. We head out by the lake to relax until it's time for dinner.

The next week goes by pretty quickly with me finding out I didn't fail any of my finals, which I'm proud of. Then on the last day of the year we have a feast the older years call the Leaving Feast.

"Quiet down," Headmistress McGonagall proclaims grabbing everyone's attentions from their own conversations. "I would like to thank you all for such a wonderful year, and though there have been a few bumps in the path," She glances in direction of Hufflepuff, and I knew she was talking about what happened to me, pausing before continuing. "this year has been terrific. Now it is time to announce who has won the house cup, which I'm sure most of you have been waiting for."

Everyone cheers excited to hear the final results. "We didn't win," Phoebe states and though I know she's true I stick my tongue at her such as a child would.

"Okay, in fourth place is Ravenclaw with 375 points," The other houses clap not entirely sure what to do while the Slytherin's cheer. The Ravenclaws just look disappointed and a bit frustrated. "Next, in third place we have Hufflepuff with 392 points."

Phoebe groans as she lays her head on Elliot's shoulder before looking at me and speaking, "I told you, we really didn't focus on points much this year, last year we were in second place and Gryffindor had won. I mean every year, almost, Ravenclaw always forgets about the points because they are all so caught up in classes."

"Do you think they'll win again?" I ask even though it is about to be announced any second.

"I'm not sure we'll just have to wait and see," Phoebe responds looking back up at the Headmistress.

"Okay calm down, in second place with 427 points in Gryffindor!" She says loudly and Gryffindor claps a bit sad they lost while the Slytherin table goes wild, happy to know they have won. "In first is Slytherin with 468 points." And they go wild again. " I would like to thank all of you once again for the amazing year and hope you all have a fantastic summer and come back next year ready to learn. As for the seventh years I hope you thrive out in the world and do your best to accomplish your goals and do your best. Thank you, you may eat."

Then the food appears on the tables and we all dig in. I smile as I start talking to Alice about what she is going to be doing this summer when I hear a throat clear behind me. I think it's Karina so I go still hoping she won't bother I mean she's been too busy with finals lately to do anything. So, when I turn around I'm shocked to see Headmistress McGonagall standing there.

"Ms. Revis...uh Chandler," She says not entirely sure what to call me, I'm confused as well but smile.

"Revis is fine," I smile brightly up at her as she nods her head accepting it.

"Ms. Revis, may I talk to you for a moment," She asks looking down at me and I nod and follow her out into the corridor until she stops. "Over winter break I received a letter from the ministry saying that you had used magic."

"I didn't think," I beginning to say a bit worried they were going to do something to me when she cut me off.

"Yes, I know. They had said they were going to do something about it but I explained the situation to them and they reluctantly accepted it. But only if I talked to you about it because if it happens again you will be expelled from Hogwarts."

I gasp having tears come to my eyes at the thought of not coming back to this place. "Okay," I respond quietly.

"Be aware I'm not saying this because I want you to be scared but because I want you to be safe," McGonagall says and I nod my head trying to wipe away the tears that haven't fallen from my eyes so I can see clearly. "You may go back in and finish the feast. I hope you have a wonderful summer, Ms. Revis."

"You as well," I say walking to the door and taking a deep breath to calm myself before walking back to my seat.

"What was that about?" Alice asks looking at my face worried, my eyes are probably a bit puffy.

I sigh and explain what Headmistress had explain to me and she gasped giving me a hug. "I'm glad you're not getting expelled I mean they they would break your wand and you would never be able to do magic again," She says and I almost stop breathing, not be able to use magic again? Breaking my wand? I never knew these things.

"Oh," is all I say as she pulls away from our hug.

"Anyways what did you use your magic got? How did you with the necklace?" She ask looking me a bit confused.

"Well, my baby cousin had pulled on it too hard and broke the chain so it was sent off to me repaired so I didn't have it on. And using my magic was like an instinct because I had knocked my glass of water off the counter and I just did it. I don't know if I knew it would work or not but it did and I was excited. I definitely do not want to lose my wand," I say but in the back of my mind I hear a voice saying you don't need your wand, you can do magic all on your own. I smile happy to know I have a back up of anything does happen.

I smile at Alice before we dig back into the food we had both forgotten was there, I'm so sad to have to leave this place but so happy to come back next year.

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