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Hello people.

I have been going through some shit and I haven't written a lot, but the other day I got a cute idea for a little romance thing and I dedicated it to my friend and some of you read it so this account isn't completely dead!

I forgot how therapeutic writing was for me and I dabbled with like a chapter or to in Superhero and I came to a conclusion.

I have found the motivation to maybe write a second book for The Walls Have Ears. It's summer, so I'm hoping I'll be able to post chapters faster and I have a couple of cute and sick ideas.

Some people actually liked this book and it's my best one in terms of reads so I'm hoping you guys haven't lost hope in me and will stick around for the second one (and enjoy it).

I'm honestly up for suggestions right now, whether it's a trope/scene you would like to see unfold, I want to introduce new characters so if you want to suggest one of those I'll take it,  even if it's just something like "hey the last one was kinda slow, maybe speed up the action pace this time" Or "more gore and less romance" I'll take it.

Really greatful for you guys ❤


- Franky Oreo

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