Chapter 2

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It's recess and i'm hanging out with my friends. All they are doing is bugging me about Xavier and how sexy he is and how there is no way that I couldn't like him. "Okay guys maybe I like him a little, but i barely know him, and whats the point there is no way he likes me." I explain to my friends. All my friends go wide eyed and motion me to turn around. When I turn around Xavier is standing right there. I jump a little then he smiles. "What did you hear?" I ask him

"Not much" He replies "Just the part where you said you liked me and how there is no chance of me liking you, the last part is a total lie." My friends squeal like little girls as he walks away. I just stand there stunned at what I just heard. My friends drag me to the lockers, grad my makeup out of my locker, then drag me to the bathroom. They fix my hair and do my makeup. I didn't mind that they wanted me to look nice but just I have never exactly dressed to impress. So they are lucky I actually wore something nice that day.

By the time they were done I looked amazing. My hair was in a perfect fishtail braid, my eyes stood out like crazy, and my lipstick wasn't to dark and wasn't to light. My friends always told me I was perfect anyway but now they said it and I believed it for once.

The bell rings and we walk out of the bathroom to see Xavier waiting for me. Since all my friends are in front of me they move out of the way so he can see me. His jaw dropped when I looked up. Xavier and my friends thought I looked gorgeous, I thought i looked like a barbie. Xavier just stands there checking me out. I wave my hand in front of his face and he comes out of his daze. "All I can say is, damn" Xavier compliments me. I blush and thank him. He walks me to my locker and my friends awe at us from behind. I turn and give them a "shut the fuck up" look.

I look at my schedule and see that we have library. "That's me favorite class, i love reading." Xavier comments. I think my heart skipped a beat. He's hot and he likes to read. He's perfect. "Same with me" I replied. He smiles while closing his locker. I grab my book out of my locker, he closes my locker and I lock it.

As we are walking to the library he reaches for my hand. Then BOOM a bunch of guys run between us. They look back and yell 'NO PDA!" I tell them to screw off and we walk to library in an awkward silence.

In the library there are tables and 2 couches. The couches only have to seats so Xavier and I take the green couch. Everyone stares at us because we are sitting together. I'm usually the one in the class that sits in library and read the whole. Not this time. Xavier and I whispers back and forth the whole time.

He is in the middle of him telling me a surfing story when the bell rings for lunch. We walk to our lockers together and while my friends try to push me into him. It doesn't work very well since i'm alot stronger than they are.

I go to grab my lunch out of my locker when i notice its not there. "Shit, i forgot my lunch at home." i complain to my self. "Don't worry, we can share mine!" Xavier offers. My friends awe and bug us the whole time. It's a little awkward because were not even dating, but what ever, he's just being nice. Right?

We go through all of lunch and the last 2 classes talking. When the bell rings we walk to the bus. Since I got a drive in the morning I don't know if there is anyone new on my bus. Well i soon find out there is. Xavier. He is on my bus. I think to myself that this bus just became the best bus ever.

I'm known as the loner on my bus, but since everyone on the bus just adores Xavier everyone wants him to sit with them. They soon find out he has other plans. I sit in my usual seat where i'm usually alone. Not today, Xavier sits with me and everyone just stares. He puts his arm around me and everyone's jaws drop, while my heart skips a couple beats. "Is this okay?" he asks sweetly. I nod yes very quickly and reply "as long as this is okay" and put my head on his shoulder. He blushes and nods yes.

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