Chapter 1

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It's the first day of school and i'm already nervous enough and i cant seem to find my friends. I search through the hundreds of people at my school for my friends, when I bump into someone. I know he's new at my school because i've never seen him before. He's so much taller than me. I look up and we lock eyes. We both blush, apologize, and walk away quickly.

I eventually find my friends and we go on and on about our summer. It's always the same thing trips to the beach, parties, sleep overs, and the odd romance that always ends by the end of summer. I just keep quiet and dont say much because all i can think about is "him". My friends ask why im so quiet but i dont dare to tell them the truth so i make up and excuse to how im just listening to their stories and how i dont have anything excting to tell because i didnt do anything all summer. They believe me and carry on with the stories.

The bell rings for us to go find our class. My friends and I are happy to find out that we are all in the same class. We squeal like we are 5 years old and walk in class and take a seat next to each other.

Almost all the seats are filled except for one next to me. There is supposed to be 25 in this class but i only counted 24. Thats when the door swings open. It's the guy I bumped into in the hall. Everyone laughs as he falls coming in the door while he blushes with embarassment. He stands up, dusts himself off, and takes the only empty seat. Of course that seat is next to me.

He hasn't reconized me from the hall yet, but that's probably because I haven't turned from talking to my friends.

When the teacher finally gets in the class she introduces her self and then hands out our class schedual. As we are looking it over the guy from the hall finally reconizes me. He says "hi' and introduces his self. I now know his name is Xavier McKenzie. I tell him my name and then we talk all of homeroom. The bell rings to go to our first class and we all pick up our book bags and go.

My friends ask me like a million questions about him since I talked to him all homeroom. I tell them that his name is Xavier McKenzie and he just moved here from Wisconsin. They keep bugging me saying "you so like him" and "he so likes you". I keep denying everything even tho he is a total hottie and I so do like him. My friends try to talk to him but i wont let them bc all that they will talk about is me and i dont want him knowing that I like him even the slightest bit. At least not until i get to know him better.

In class he sits next to me and all my friends do is whisper to me "damn" and "get wit dat". I just ignore them and tell him to ignore them too. He listens to me.

He has the most sexiest voice ever. It's so deep. Oh, who am I kidding? He is the sexiest guy i've ever met. He is tall with brown hair and brown eye. He has "the flip" with his hair. I think my friends and i die a little when he flips his hair.

We talk all class and then of course the bell rings for recess. Everyone packs up their things and heads to our new lockers. The good thing is the teacher put me in the middle of Xavier and my bestfriend. What a good day so far.


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