859 51 29

Park Jimin
2 lives

Waking up with a blackish gem fading into a dark gray and two black bars on my arm made me sick to my stomach,did the game change while we were asleep.

"I'm not the only one seeing this right?"Yoongi asked showing us his arm,his gem was completely black and had three bars.

"I don't know what this game means but the bars must be the number of lives we have left"Hoseok said.

"So wait,jimin and I have two lives and you two have three lives"Jungkook said and Hoseok nodded.

"Makes sense considering the time you both died"he reminded and I hummed in agreement.

"Well we need to move,I heard something slither past this door. I'm not ready for another snake encounter"I said padding over to the table and grabbed the black backpack.

"Another snake encounter?"Yoongi asked and I nodded,slinging the bag over my shoulder.

"Some mysterious girl was being chased by it,sadly we didn't manage to save her before she got sucked into a portal"Jungkook explained. Hoseok snapped his fingers as he leaned on the couch arm.

"She might be our way out"he said with a smile.

"That's highly debatable Hyung"I said with a raised eyebrow. "We didn't get to see her face properly or catch her name"

"Shhh Hoseok may be on to something"Yoongi said rubbing his arm. "I suggest we find the girl and get answers from her,she must have been in the game longer than we have" I sighed in defeat.

"Alright then"Hoseok said and pushed himself the couch arm. "She might be anywhere,we need our instincts the most here" we all nodded and headed out of the room.

The hallway was dimly lit,the picture frames giving off and eerie feeling. I stuck next to Yoongi.

"How's your shoulder?"I asked and he rolled his shoulders.

"A lot better,still a bit sore"he said.

"That's great,I was worried you might have died from blood loss"I said and he looked at me,his lips turned up into a smug smirk.

"I don't go down that easily"

We walked in silence,weird sounds and voices heard yet gibberish,dust and strange stench that smelled like mound was in the air.  I had my guard up,hands settled on the holsters strapped to my thighs.

"You know"Hoseok said loudly causing me to jump,dear lord I didn't expect that. He sent me an apologetic smile before continuing. "We haven't encountered any of those weird creatures yet,maybe we are on safe grounds"

There was a loud screech from a head and we all froze,I glared at the orange haired male who looked sheepishly.

"You just had to fucking jinx it"Yoongi grumbled and grabbed his bow,getting his arrows ready. I sighed deeply and got out my pistols,clicking the safety lock off and making sure ammo was there.Jungkook unsheathed his gun blade and looked at us,he seemed uneasy.
"Alright here we go"he said and we nodded.

We continued walking,the air around felt thick and harder to breath. Something was wrong,the voices were louder. It felt like someone was among us,it's presence filling strong.

𝔊𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥 (𝚋𝚝𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚞).(𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕠𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now