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Birds chirped...

Bright light poured into the room...

His body hurt with every tiny movement he made. He stirred awake,his fingers subconsciously tracing the material underneath him. His eyes rolled under his eyelids slightly until he decided to open them. Everything was blurry and bright,he blinked slowly letting his eyes adjust to the unfamiliar surroundings. His senses steady. he lifted his hand to rub his eyes but paused to see it covered with a bandage and IV connected to his hand. Carefully,he set his arm to his side and pushed himself up to a sitting position;he winced at the ache in his back. He let out a low sigh and looked around,the smell of disinfectants growing strong.

He was in a hospital ward.

He wasn't in the game anymore.

His mind raced making him feel slightly dizzy,he let out a small breath through his mouth to calm his nerves. He cautiously got off the bed,gripping onto the bed side table as his legs almost gave in. At that moment, the door to his ward quietly as the nurse stepped with a tray of food and medicine in her hands. Her eyes widened at the male and she ushered him to sit on the bed which he silently obeyed. She set the tray on the bed side table when she got closer to the bed and turned to the male.

"how do you feel Mr Kim?"she asked with a soft smile. He blinked at her slowly.

"confused, how did i get here?"he asked, the nurse padded over to the windows to adjust the curtains.

"you and a few others were victims of a kidnapping. The police found you all at an abandoned warehouse outside of the city barely alive."she answered.

"others?..."he mumbled as he let the information sink in,he perked up and turned to his side to look at the nurse. "can i see them..any of them?.."

The nurse slowly turned to face him with a light smile on her lips.

"Of course.."

He felt nervous,familiarly nervous. He shifted lightly on his seat on the wheelchair as the nurse moved through the hallway,watching the main hall filled with people;nurses,doctors,patients and visitors.

They arrived at a white painted door,the nurse leaned over to knock at the door before pushing it open,he squinted his eyes at the slight blinding lights before looking around the room,familiar voices reaching his ears. The first person he saw was Jimin covered with bandages around his neck and arms with Yoongi;wrapped up with bandages around his arms and head sitting on his bed as they talked,there were a two empty beds that were in use,Hoseok laid on the one near the windows,asleep while Jungkook laid on the bed next to Hoseok's with a oxygen mask on. One bed at the corner was curtained making  him curious.


He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt someone wrap their arms around him,blond hair coming in sight. Taehyung smiled and hugged the male back before letting go. An eye smile graced his visage making Taehyung relax,Yoongi gave him a nod of acknowledgment;Tae took that as a reassurance.

"where is Namjoon and Seokjin hyung?"he asked,his eyes skimming around the room.

"they went somewhere to talk,the game really messed them up apparently"Yoongi said,Taehyung let out a sigh after noticing the nurse had left, and looked at Jimin.

"i knew you would save us Tae. I knew you were good thats why i believed in you."The blond said with a soft smile on his lips,Tae's smile wavered.

"you owe Kayla the thanks and hope, i let you down"he mumbled looking away.

"it doesn't matter"Yoongi spoke and they looked at him. "we are alive,aren't we?"

"Yoongi hyung is right,we are alive and I've never felt so happy to be alive honestly."Jimin said.

"speaking of Kayla...is she.."Taehyung trailed off. Yoongi motioned his head to the curtained bed at the corner,Taehyung hesitantly rolled himself over to the corner;checking on Hoseok and Jungkook for a bit before pushing the curtain aside.

Kayla laid on the bed covered in bandages from her head, over her eyes,her arms and legs. She had an oxygen mask on,blooding staining the bandages a little. Taehyung blinked back tears he hadn't noticed and carefully held Kayla's hand.

"i finally remembered who you are to me..you were always there for me in high school until the day you disappeared..you were my only true friend..my best friend.."he mumbled,looking down at their intertwined hands."it may take sometime but ill wait for you to wake up just like you used to do when i got hospitalized,you'll be fine...i promise.."he pressed his lips on her bare knuckles and looked at her sadly.

                                                           "Thank you Taehyung"

𝔊𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥 (𝚋𝚝𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚞).(𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕠𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now