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"So, prom is getting close

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"So, prom is getting close." The girls and I were talking on my bed after boys left.

"Yeah, I wonder who will invite me." Lisa wondered.

"You're beautiful, anyone." I shrugged.

"You are beautiful too. You will get invited by someone for sure."

"Maybe, but I'm new here," I said.

"It doesn't matter," Jennie answered.

"Wonder who our boys will invite," Lisa said, giggling.

"Obviously, Jungkook will invite someone ugly." Jennie scoffed.

"Why is your mind is always about Jungkook?" Lisa asked.

"It's not true!" She said back.


"Not true."

"True!!" We both said in unison.

"Okay, maybe it's true. Just a little bit." She agreed.

"Do you have a crush on him or something?" I asked.

"I don't know.."

"Oh, it's not a 'no', I see."


"I'm getting sleepy," Lisa said, yawning.

"Me too."

And we fell asleep, exhausted.

~In the morning~

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead!"

"Tae? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Me and Jungkook came to go to school with the three of you. C'mon the rest is having breakfast." He said, leaving the room.

They could've woken me up. I scoffed.

"Good morning!" Jungkook greeted.

"Morning. Let's go? We'll be late." I said, grabbing the keys.

"Where is your mom, by the way?" Lisa asked.

"Oh, she sent me a text, that she will be on a business trip. And doesn't know how long it'll take. So I'm alone." I said, paying attention to driving.

"Oh, nice," Tae said from the backseat.

When we arrived, we separated our ways, since all of us have different classes. While I was walking near the music room, I heard someone talking on the phone.

"Yeah, they are causing..let's say a little bit of trouble," Mr.Kim said.

"Of course. We are not safe without getting rid of them."

"Yeah yeah. I know. I'm sure, Jin knows too."

When he said Jin's name, my eyes widened, I lost my balance and made the door open slightly, making a noise. Shit.

"Wait a minute." And I heard footsteps approaching. I quickly ran from there, without turning back.

What the- what was that about. And who was he talking to? And how Jin is connected with all this. This doesn't make any sense.

~After school~

I couldn't pay attention to anything after that incident. The scene kept playing in my head. I should stop. But about getting rid of them..could that be-

"Hey, want to grab snacks?" Tae asked, hanging his arm on my shoulder.

"Sure! Where are the others?"

"Oh uh- they left already!"

"Hm, okay."

Tae and I were walking together, eating an ice cream.

"So, the prom is getting close." Tae started the conversation.


"Are you not excited?" He asked.

"I am! But.."


"No one invited me yet."

"Then will you make me an honor and go to the prom with me?" Smooth Kim Taehyung, smooth.

"Uh- yeah, I mean, sure!" I smiled and he hugged me.

"Thank you." He kissed me on the cheek. When we realized what he did, we just froze, looking at each other.

"Um, it's not a big deal. Thank you for the ice cream, I'll go home." I chuckled.

"Okay. Drive safe!" I bid him goodbye and drove home. Sheesh, my heart was beating so fast.

"I'm home!"

"Hey. How was your day?" Yoongi asked me.

"Let's say, strange."

"What happened?"

"I overheard Mr.Kim's convo with somebody and he was talking about Jin and about getting rid of someone... It's kinda creepy." I said, grabbing juice from the refrigerator.

"What's his problem."

"I don't know. But something is really happening. And I don't think he is throwing a birthday party." I shrugged.

"Hm, yeah." Suga agreed.

"Anyways. Welcome back home." He said and hugged me. I was a little taken aback but hugged him back.


"What do you want to do today?" He asked me.

"I'm fine with everything." I shrugged.

"Then, movies?" He offered.

"Yes, please."

I changed into some comfortable clothes and went downstairs to watch movies.

"What are we watching?" I asked.

"You can choose."


~A few moments later~

"Eh, this movie is depressing as hell," I said.

"Agree." He chuckled.

Yoongi came closer and hugged me from behind.

"Why are you so touchy today?" I asked him.

"I don't know. I just missed you." He said. I just stayed silent.

"I don't know why but I'm feeling weird things for you that I never felt it after I died. You make me...feel."
(A/n: Who doesn't remember, Yoongi died, so he can't feel any emotions or anything.)


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