Two ; Lucy

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I opened the door, heading straight for the bar. I poured myself a glass of whiskey before walking into the Kitchen. MV padded towards me and rubbed his head against my leg. I weighed out the glucosamine before mixing it into his food, placing the bowl onto the ground. I refilled his water as the cat ate, before walking into the Living room, whiskey in hand, Charlotte, my roommate and best friend sat on the sofa, working on her laptop. I curled up in the armchair, balancing the whiskey on the arm. "Who's the client ?" I asked, she looked up with a smile. Lottie was a party planner and used the house as an office which meant I made myself scarce for the most part of the day. "This rich couple, they want a masquerade ball, all the bells and whistles." I chuckled. MV, hobbled over to me and I gently lifted him onto my lap. He was 15 years old, and had arthritis, but that didn't stop him from getting what he wanted. He'd lost one of his legs in a car accident when he was a kitten and was taken in by the RSPCA. I'd adopted him when he was a year old. I stroked his coat gently, sipping my drink. "How many today ?" I looked up to see Lottie staring at my drink sadly. "I don't know ?! It's not like I keep count." She gave me a pointed look. "Ok, I think this is my sixth, seventh ?" Her eyes widened, "SEVEN !"
"Now, that's not a solid figure-"
"You can't keep doing this ! You're going to drink yourself to death."
"It's my life, not yours. I'm the one, hypothetically, dying, not you so why are you getting so bothered ?"
"Because you're my best friend Lucy and I hate seeing you like this because one of these days, one of these days you will go too far, you will go too far and no one will be there to see you." She wiped away the tears that were sliding down her face and stormed into her room. I sipped my drink, she was overreacting. It wasn't as if I'd asked her to take care of me. I drained my glass before closing my eyes.


I started the day with the usual hangover. I winced and pinched the bridge of my nose. MV, unfortunately, chose that moment to loudly signify he was hungry. I clutched my head, shushing the impatient cat as I staggered into the kitchen. I placed his food onto the ground, bending down to stroke his head affectionately. I scoffed as he shook my hand off, absorbed with his food. "Love you too" I scoffed, sparing him a smile before I headed into my bedroom. I brushed my hair lightly, letting the curls bounce at my shoulders. I brushed my teeth and checked my phone as I heard it buzz.
23 Braxton Road. Come Now. read a text from Lestrade. I filled a water bottle with vodka, slipped on my green leather jacket and grabbed my sunglasses, kissed MV on the head and grabbed my keys before walking outside. I winced as I stepped outside, into the harsh sunlight. I put the sunglasses on my face before heading for the tube.


The house was old, the plaster peeling off the walls. There were traces of mold and the house smelt mildly of mildew. Lestrade's face brightened when he saw me. He examined photos of the corpse which had been taken to the morgue long ago. There were no obvious marks of murder, no bullet/stab wound or strangulation marks. Odd. "Lucy, hello ! Our victim is Male, late 30s. Hank Trevors, Name partner at a big law firm."
"Yeah, Westover Trevors, I've heard of it."
" Right, well there are no obvious marks. The only anomaly is this pool of water." Continued Greg. Sure enough, there was a pool of water surrounding Trevors. His clothes were drenched but there were no bloodstains. I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted by a new voice. "All right, where's Lestrade ?" I turned to see Sherlock Holmes walking towards us. Colours were dimmed by my sunglasses and his clothes seemed to blend in with the dimly lit room. He was accompanied by a blond haired man, John Watson. He looked apologetically at the pissed police officers as the detective shoved people aside eagerly to get to the crime scene. My lips curved upwards as he came into full view. I took off my glasses and watched as he stopped dead. He looked at me questioningly, I grinned in response, taking a sip of my "water". "Sherlock, John, this is one of my top detectives, Lucille Fitzgerald, she will be assisting you on this case." I looked at Lestrade in outrage. I could work this case on my own, I didn't need Sherlock Holmes. I forced a smile onto my face before turning to John, "Call me Lucy." I extended my hand to him and he shook it, flashing me a warm smile. Sherlock didn't even try to disguise his disgust. "You expect me to work with her ?!" He pointed at me and I feigned mock hurt. "Aww jeez Mr Holmes, that's too bad, I thought we really hit it off yesterday." I pouted as John and Greg looked between us. "Wait, you two know each other ?" Asked Lestrade, dumbfounded. Sherlock's lips formed a straight line. "Evidently you struggle with this idea so I will make this easy for you. We met once, yesterday and we entertained a conversation over the span of 5 minutes but let me make something very clear. I do not work with people. I do my work alone."
"You work with me." Pointed out John. He was silenced by a withering look from Sherlock who opened his mouth to say more but Lestrade cut him off. "Like it or not, I cannot let you go off on your own anymore, you're still on probation from last time. You three are working together or not at all." He glared at us and I turned to Sherlock in interest. "Do tell Mr Holmes, what happened last time ?" He held my gaze for a moment before spinning on his heel to the corpse. After a few minutes of examining the photos, he looked to us. "I believe I know how he was killed. I do not, however, know why or what weapon was used."
"Should've told this story at my wedding." Remarked John flippantly and Lestrade laughed.
He silenced them with another glare. "We need to examine the body properly. I'll meet you at the morgue." He said, running out of the door and I came to realise two things. Firstly, if he thought he was going to reach the morgue first, he was sorely mistaken. Secondly, this was going to be fun.

AN : Second chapter! Hope you enjoyed, shoutouts to iamsherlocked64 and Uilosris , love you guys 😘😘😘

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