Twenty One

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Lucy pulled her coat tighter against her as she stepped off the plane, cold wind biting her cheeks. The sky was overcast, grey clouds shielding the sun from view. She shivered as she walked up to the black Mercedes that screamed Mycroft. Lizzie and Hayes were close behind, clambering into the car behind her.

She looked out of the window as the car began to move, head pounding in silent protest of the minibar she'd raided before the flight to Russia. She tuned out as Lizzie began to go over the plan for what seemed like the fifth time. They would arrive at the factory alongside the ground team Mycroft had dispatched and go in to apprehend Ms Adler. Simple.

She was still smarting from Sherlock's comments but she still felt bad about what she'd said to him about the drugs. Still, she refused to let herself dwell on it too long. It would only be dragging herself further away from the light. She closed her eyes, willing herself into ignorance as she pressed her forehead against the cold glass. Her nails dug into her palms as the car screeched to a halt at a traffic light, the red light harsh to her weary eyes. She exhaled slowly, relaxing slightly, the steady thrum of the car engine lulling her into a secure sense of detachment.


At last they pulled up outside the warehouse. It was dark outside, the sky painted in shades of blue and black as they climbed out of the car. It was cold enough that their intermingled breaths formed puffs of smoke in the darkness. Lucy watched in silent fascination as the ground team assembled outside the warehouse, almost forgetting herself until Lizzie nudged her, one finger raised to her lips before she signalled Ethan to get into position.

They stepped into the grimy warehouse, taking care to be silent, watching, waiting. Lucy heard the quiet shuffling of feet. Adler. She tensed involuntarily, refusing to think of the gun in her hands. The detective followed the sound, senses alert as she made her way through the derelict building.

In hindsight, she should've seen it coming. It was the oldest trick in the book. But maybe it was the feeling of the weapon in her hands once more, so foreign, cold to the touch that threw her off her game. She didn't pick up on the presence of another person until she was pressed up against them, a silver blade digging into her neck.

"Miss Adler."

"Who do you work for ?"

The Woman's tone was authoritative right till the very end, dripping power as her breath ghosted Lucy's skin. Her breath was caught in her throat at the sudden presence of the switchblade pressed into her pharynx. She couldn't think of a plan, her thoughts muddled as the gun was wrenched from her grasp. She winced as the blue pressed deeper, skin turning red.

"I won't ask twice. Who. Do. You. Work. For ?"

Lucy smirked, willing herself into a cool indifference.

"You just did."

She jabbed her elbow into the other woman's stomach, turning as Irene stepped back slightly. Lucy grabbed her gone, cocking it and aiming it at Adler in all of a second. The Woman's lips curled into a menacing snark but she raised her hands all the same, only to be cuffed by two of Mycroft's men. Lucy smirked as Lizzie and Ethan caught up to her.

"All in a day's work my friends. All in a day's work." Ethan laughed, breathing hard before shaking his head.

"Well that"

"Sure, but I for one cannot wait to get home."

Lucy smiled tiredly, muscles aching as they walked back to the car. Home.


He was waiting for them on the landing strip as the plane slowed, collar upturned and a sardonic smile on his face. Sherlock watched as they trailed off the plane, eyes hard as they landed on Lucy. He walked forward to greet them, accepting a hug from Lizzie awkwardly and nodding sharply at Ethan, eyes softening slightly. The vulnerability left his frame as soon as Irene sauntered towards him, the two guards accompanying her looking decidedly fed up. He smirked as she leant up to press her lips against his in a playful half-kiss that never failed to intrigue him. His eyes glinted as she pulled away, the prospect of a challenge drawing closer.

"Ms Adler."

"Mr Holmes." Her eyes had the same light in them as her lips curved upwards. This routine was well known to them, their version of board games.

"It's been a while."

"Indeed it has."

"Am I to assume that this summoning is not of the dinner variety ?"

"That is yet to be decided." If she was confused by his brashness she didn't show it, instead flashing him a knowing grin before following Lizzie and Ethan to the car.

Any hint of a smile was gone by the time Lucy walked up to him, eyes full of regret, hands shaking every so slightly, proof that his deductions had been right as always. He curled his pocketed hands into fists as she stopped in front of him, staring pointedly at his shoes.

"Holmes-" He cut her off with a jarring finality, brusque voice slicing the space between them.

"Glad you're not dead." And then he walked away.

Yes, I know it's been ages since my last update and I am so sorry but hopefully things should be back to normal now that the holidays are over and we can get back to a somewhat acceptable updating schedule 🥰


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