Five ; Sherlock

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How could she have guessed the cyanide poisoning ? I sat in the corner of the room watching the station at work. It was filled with the sound of the printer and people talking on the phone. The building was a flurry of noise and paper as we tried to pinpoint the next suspect. John walked up to me, eyelids drooping. He stifled a yawn as he took a seat beside me. "I've got to go home and get some sleep. Call me if you find something mate." I nodded curtly, flashing him a tight lipped smile as he walked out of the building. I sighed before frowning as I scanned the room. She was missing. I peered into Lestrade's office, watching as he argued vehemently with, judging by his face, his wife, but there was no sign of Lucille. I examined the room for a final time before surreptitiously slipping on my coat. I walked outside with a frown before pulling out my phone. Where would she have gone ?


I nodded at Molly appreciatively as she opened the door to the morgue with a questioning expression. She winced as I let the door slam shut behind me, surveying the room as I did so. "Sherlock, why did you ask me to open the morgue ?" She asked, watching in confusion as I walked to the stairs. "Looking for someone." I replied vaguely before running up the stairs. I had no idea why I was looking for her, there was no logical explanation, but I was bored, so why not ? I opened the door and stepped out into the night, frowning as a wave of nostalgia passed over me. I inspected the scene before me before walking around the stairs. In the dark, I could just make out her faint silhouette. She leaned against the wall, holding two empty bottles of vodka, mumbling incoherently. Up close, I could make out tear tracks on her face as she lay there in a drunken haze. I'd been wondering when she'd overdo it. I nudged her gently on the arm. She jumped backwards and turned to me with wide eyes, reminding me of a skittish horse. "Whaddya want Holmes ?" She mumbled, tripping over the words which were slurrred as she spoke. I held up both hands before approaching her. "I'm here to take you home." I said earnestly, offering my arm to her. Spurred by a sudden burst of adrenaline, she ran past me, jumping onto the ledge, dangling herself over the edge of the building. "Lucille-Lucy, whatever you're about to do, stop and think about it !" I begged, swallowing nervously as she teetered precariously over the edge of the building, a smirk growing on her face. "I can't keep living like this, in pain, half drunk at every second of the day. It would be so much easier just to end it all. Just one more step." She lurched forward, slipping before regaining her balance, swinging round to face me with a delirious giggle. My heart was racing as I watched the anthracite-haired detective walk unsteadily across the ledge, occasionally dipping her leg into thin air with an adrenaline filled laugh. "Stop, Lucy you are not in your right mind. Come down from there and we can ta-"
"NO !" She turned to face me, eyes ablaze as she yelled. "DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOU TWO FACED PRICK ! I'VE KNOWN YOU FOR WHAT ? TWO DAYS, DURING WHICH YOU'VE BEEN NOTHING BUT RUDE TO ME AND THE. DECIDING TO SULK BECAUSE I FOUND THE CLUE BEFORE YOU DID ?! WELL NEWS FLASH IDIOT, YOU CAN'T ACT LIKE THAT AND THEN PRETEND TO GIVE A SHIT, SO WHY DON'T YOU GO BACK TO WHATEVER HOLE YOU CRAWLED OUT OF AND LET ME PUT AN END TO MY PAIN." Her breathing came out in weak rasps which were heartbreaking to listen to and I flinched as she spat out the last of her tirade. She dropped the two bottles of alcohol and they fell to the floor with a crash, glass shattering everywhere. I ran my fingers through my hair before closing my eyes and opening them. "Lucy, I am so, so sorry. I should never have treated you like that, but you can't die, not here, not like this because frankly, that's copying." I laughed desperately as she stared at me disdainfully, hair in complete disarray. "Please. Please just come down from there, we can talk this through, work it out together." My voice shook as I pleaded hoarsely. She turned away and I cried out, thinking she was going to jump but she stopped, turning to me. She let out a strangled sob before falling off the ledge and into my arms. I waited until her sobs quieted down and she fell asleep, to adjust my grip on her, lifting her feet off the ground and walking down the stairs. Molly raised her eyebrows as she saw me, watching Lucille in fascination. I passed her my phone. "Ask Lestrade what her address is." I said emotionlessly, silencing her. A few minutes later the reply came back and I walked outside with Molly, Lucy bundled into my arms. I hailed a taxi, thanking Molly before laying the unconscious woman across the seat so that her head rested on my lap. Her breathing had returned to normal, but her forehead was covered in a light sheen of perspiration. Her hair was matted and messy and her face had taken in a disturbing shade of ashen. I stroked her hair, gazing out of the window thoughtfully.


The taxi came to a screeching halt and I was jolted forward. I paid the cabbie before lifting Lucy out of the car, straining under her dead weight. Unable to ring the doorbell, I kicked the door persistently with my foot. "All right, all right I'm coming !" A young, blonde haired woman opened the door with an annoyed expression on her face. She gasped as she took in Lucy's state, ushering me inside. I heard a hissing noise and frowned down at the...object in front of me. A three legged cat stood in front of me, almost glaring as he watched me place Lucy onto the sofa. "How did she do this Mr Holmes ?" I looked up at the use of my name. "Sherlock, please. Once I noticed she was missing, I searched for her and I found her on the roof of St Bart's ready to commit suicide, how do you know my name ?" She stared in horror at the unconscious girl, not even bothering to look at me. "I've seen you in the news." I nodded before turning to leave. "She should be fine, but she will have an excruciating headache tomorrow morning." I said, walking towards the door.
"Thank you Sherlock." I smiled, nodding in appreciation before opening the door. I turned around. "Just one favour, don't tell her I was here." She opened her mouth to say something, obviously confused by my request, but I slammed the door behind me and walked outside.

AN : Hope you guys enjoyed!!! Shoutouts to Uilosris and iamsherlocked64, thank you guys for all your help 😘😘😘

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