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Lucy circled the box. She'd arrived home from work and found the window open and the box sitting in the middle of the bed. It was big, black and tied poorly into a bow. She undid the green ribbon and let it fall to the floor. Then, cautiously, she lifted the lid off the black box. She frowned as she reviewed its contents, lifting up the small note that lay atop of the grey tissue covering the items.
I had a feeling whatever you chose to wear would be insufficient. You're welcome
She recognised Sherlock's spidery handwriting, crumpling the note in disgust. She hesitated before pulling off the tissue paper. Tulle. Lots of it. She picked up the dress and draped it across her bed. It had white undertones, but the dress itself was varying shades of grey, black and blue. It looked like smoke, Lucy thought, the soft, airy fabric swirling and swishing as she held it against her. A black floral pattern stretched up the bodice, stopping before the thin sleeves. Beautifully tainted. How beautifully her. Sure, Sherlock was an idiot came to anything other than cases and science but Lucy had to concede that he had good taste. A smile tugged at her lips. She stared at the dress for a moment longer before her eyes widened and she knelt down to lift up MV who was rapidly advancing toward the dress, claws visible.


She stood in front of the mirror, frowning slightly as she picked up the masses of tulle that hid her feet from view.

"The Obsidian Ball ?" Lucy stood in the middle of 221B, staring down at the cream coloured invitation and obsidian earrings in her palm. "I've never heard of it." Sherlock turned from his spit by the window and set his violin on the coffee table. "That's hardly surprising considering it's the world's largest gathering of criminals. Detectives all over the world have tried to pinpoint its location but as of yet, no one has succeeded. We are posing as Neil and Elizabeth Wein. We own a small crime ring with connections to the Irish mob. How's your Irish accent ?" She frowned, eyes glinting. "A bit rusty, what about you Holmes ?" She walked forwards. "Brilliant. Now, this ball is filled with criminals. We need to make sure we fit in. Almost sinful opulence. All out. If for even one second we seem normal, reserved, they'll pounce and we will die." I arched an eyebrow.
"Slow your roll there Trewlawney. Full out extravagance, I get it." He smirked slightly.

She recalled the memory, tugging slightly at the collar of the dress. Charlotte had left for an overseas trip around an hour ago so the only sound was MV scratching the sofa. Lucy shrugged on a loose fitting coat before walking into her room. Her hair was tied in an elegant chignon, stray tendrils coiling around the nape of her neck. She opened the drawer. Dust floated to the ground as she set her eyes upon the one thing she hadn't used in years. Her gun. The metal glinted brightly, mocking her as she pushed aside her fears and swallowed tightly. She picked it up and suddenly it came back. Blood dripping from her hands, splashing onto the ground. No. No. Hastily, Lucy shoved the weapon into her purse. She left a fresh bowl of food for MV and on cue the doorbell rang. Sherlock stood on her doorstep, smirking in a tuxedo with obsidian cuff links that matched her earrings. "How do I look Mr Wein ?" She asked in a clipped Irish accent. "Wonderful my dear Elizabeth." He replied in an equally flawless accent. She took his proffered arm, grinning as they walked towards the car. And so the Grand Deception began.

AN : Sorry for the long wait guys 😘😘😘 Hope you enjoyed Xx

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