64 Q's Tag

583 20 11

Thank you Uilosris for tagging me ! I'm procrastinating so let's do it here....

1. Spotify, SoundCloud or Pandora ?
Spotify always.

2. Is your room messy ?
Somehow even when I try to clean it it still looks messy :(

3. What colour are your eyes ?
Dark Brown. Think chocolate with gold highlights.

4. Do you like your name ? Why or why not ?

I do ! My name (which is Mallika for people who didn't know) sounds great and has a wonderful meaning

5. Describe your personality in 3 words or less
Insane and disorganised

6. What colour hair do you have ?


7. How would you describe your style ?
Colour wise, black with some red, white and navy blue. And it basically just consists of turtlenecks, flannel shirts (and t-shirts in the summer)

8. What size bed do you have ?
A small single high sleeper. I am tiny so I don't need much room :)

9 If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live ?

India maybe because most of my family lives there but at the same time I love London...

10. Favourite makeup brands ?

I honestly can't say, I don't wear makeup at all 😂

11. How many times a week do you shower ?
7, mostly in the evening.

12. Favourite TV shows ?
I have so many and am constantly adding to the list but here are some constants :
- Doctor Who
- Agents of SHIELD
- Arrow
-DC's legends of tomorrow
(All of these are amazing btw)

13. Sandals or Sneakers ?

Sneakers forever !

14. Describe your dream date

Dinner and a movie I guess or a coffee date ? I really don't spend much thinking about dating 😂

15. How much money do you have in your wallet ?
Maybe 2-3 pounds, I hardly ever have money

16. What colour socks are you wearing ?
Black with orange and grey heels

17. How many pillows do you sleep with ?

18. Do you have a job ? What do you do ?

Nope ! I would like one but I look way to you g to be taken seriously XD

19. How many friends to you have ?


20. What's the first thing you've ever done ?

I'm not sure, I try to stay out of trouble...

21. What's your favourite candle scent ?

Maybe red apple with cinnamon just as long as it's not too overpowering because they tend to give me headaches if they are.

22. Three favourite boy names ?

       James, Scott and Ethan

23. Three favourite girl names ?

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