Fourteen ; Lucy

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"Mycroft! Pleasure as always." I shot the eldest Holmes brother a sickeningly sweet smile. "What are you doing here ?" He snapped, leaving his umbrella by the door and descending the staircase. "The same could be asked of you." I frowned as the young doctor ran into Sherlock's room. He whispered something to the redhead who glanced briefly our way before she turned back to the wound. "This is my chosen place of residence." Said Mycroft, frowning as he took in my bloodstained clothing and bedraggled appearance. "This is where you live ?" I asked in disbelief. Mycroft nodded slowly with a confused look on his face. "B-But it has an operating theatre." He rolled his eyes. "Look at you stating facts. Now, judging by your appearance I'd say that the Obsidian ball mission went askew and my brother is now suffering a knife wound to the torso." So both the Holmes brothers have the deduction thing. I nodded. "Now I'm sure that Agents Hayes and Ross will complete their work soon enough. I would ask them to escort you to one of the free rooms and provide you with a spare change of clothing." He straightened his tie before walking into the operating room. He exited moments later, disappearing into one of the many corridors.

A few moments, the female doctor walked outside. "Ethan - Agent Ross will take care of Mr Holmes and monitor his vitals. I on the other hand shall take you to your room." She said firmly but not unkindly I thought as she set off at a brisk pace forcing me to increase my speed. "So you must be Agent Hayes then." She smiled briefly. "Elizabeth Hayes." I nodded and we fell into a comfortable silence as we walked through the winding corridors.

Her coppery curls now hung loosely down her back, swaying gently as we walked. Now that it had been taken out of the tight ponytail, she looked kinder, less severe. "So you and Agent Ross work together then ?" She adjusted her glasses and turned to me. "We met at the academy, became great friends. We've been best friends ever since, so when Ethan and I got the chance to work for the Mycroft Holmes, together, we leapt at it !" The way she spoke about Agent Ross, it was different to the way he spoke about her. In the brief moments we'd talked, his eyes had shone whenever she was brought up. Elizabeth seemed to regard him with a dear fondness rather than with the passion that Ethan regarded her. I chose to say nothing, instead making small talk as we walked.

"The Academy ?" We rounded the corner. We'd been walking for a few minutes and my legs were starting to ache. "Yes, Sci-Ops at the MI6 training facilities." I nodded.
"How do you not get tired, walking around like this all day ?" She laughed, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "After a while you get used to it." Finally, we stopped outside a white door with a black scanner on the side. "So. This is it I guess." She pressed her lanyard to the scanner which turned green with a beep and the door clicked open. "Sleep Well !" She set off again, too fast for me to ask her anymore questions. Strange. But likeable I thought to myself before turning towards the door. I sighed before pushing it open.

I gaped at the room. It was huge. A king sized bed was positioned by a bay window which looked out onto a garden. A pile of neatly folded clothes lay, as promised, at the base of the bed. I stepped into the bathroom and stepped into the shower. It was there that the events of the night finally caught up to me. I slid onto the cold shower floor hands over my eyes as the hot water ran over my head. I exhaled shakily, uncurling my fingers. They had been closed so tightly that my nails had left imprints onto my hands. Blood was streaked across my hands and I could feel a cut running down my cheek where one of the men had punched me.


Eventually, I climbed out of the shower and wrapped a soft bathrobe around myself, savouring the sudden warmth and comfort. I walked outside and changed into the clothes that had been left for me. Black leggings and a grey jumper. By the time I'd finished, exhaustion had caught up to me. I wasted no time, climbing into the massive bed and drifting into a dreamless sleep.


I heard her before I saw her. I heard the silent creak if the door as it opened and the uneven footfall, so unlike Lizzie and Ethan's. Mycroft has already been in to lecture me about my irresponsibility. He'd gone on and on but Lizzie had stepped in before it could get worse. "Good Morning Fitzgerald." I murmured, eyes still firmly shut. I felt her jump at the sound of my voice before sitting down at the base of my bed. "Holmes." I sat up, throwing my covers off and shuffled so that I was beside her. She turned a faint shade of pink as she took in my bare chest. Scars marred every inch of flesh from my time dismantling Moriarty's network. Was I horrific to behold ? I tried not to look into those shrewd blue eyes, instead focusing on the carpeted floor. "So." She said eventually, turning to look at me. "How are you holding up ?"
"Well the cut didn't go too deep and wasn't infected so I should be fine." I noticed how every so often her eyes darted to my bandages and away and how every time she looked, her fingers clenched the blanket tightly. "Really Fitzgerald, I'm fine." She smiled absentmindedly. "What happened to your back ?" I started as I felt cold fingers graze a particularly nasty scar I'd gotten in Bahrain. I raked my eyes upwards and forced myself to look at her. Her smile was faded and she'd paled ever so slightly. "Are you sure you want to know ?"

     She listened in morbid horror as I narrated every aspect of my "death", a mix of revulsion and pity. "Eventually Mycroft managed to get me out and Lizzie
and Ethan patched me up but some scars are permanent." Her eyes narrowed at my use of the scientists' first names but she didn't press further. When she didn't ask anymore questions, I reached for the stack of books beside me and leaned back, book in hand. A few minutes later, I recoiled at sudden physical contact as I felt Lucy rest her head on my stomach and begin to read. When she showed no signs of moving, I let myself relax a little and immersed myself in the book. So much so that I didn't catch her glance up at me. I didn't catch her lips quirking upwards either.

AN : Sorry for the long wait guys   ☹️Hope you enjoyed the chapter Xx

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