Six ; Lucy

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I staggered into the office, clapping my hands over my ears as I heard a loud crash. I collapsed into my chair, closing my eyes. My head was on fire, the pain preventing me from thinking straight. I reached for a pen, ignoring the ringing in my ears. My eyes snagged on the piece of paper poking out from underneath the pen holder.
221B Baker Street
There was no name but I had a good idea of who it was. I struggled to my feet with a groan before grabbing my jacket and staggering outside.


I cursed violently as a drill started to dig into the ground, the sound piercing into my brain. I had meant to take a taxi but I'd left my wallet at home. The ringing in my ears started as soon as the drill stopped. I pinched my nose before rapping thrice on the door. It was answered by an old woman. She was in her early sixties and smiled broadly as she gestured for me enter. "Hello dear ! I'm Mrs Hudson, you must be Lucy ! The boys aren't here yet but you can go on up and wait." She spoke fast, shaking my hand and indicating the stairs. I smiled slightly before disappearing up the stairs. The flat was silent and I surveyed my surroundings. I smirked at the bullet hole littered yellow smiley face that was painted onto the wall. I traced it lightly with my finger before turning to the violin that lay on the table. It was well-crafted and I marvelled the polished wood as I plucked a string experimentally. I walked towards the bookshelf, perusing the many books. I pulled out a leather bound album and sat in one of the chairs. Myriads of glossy photos sat on the pages. Landscapes, people, all beautifully taken. Sherlock was barely in them, he must've taken them. I turned to a page before frowning in confusion. On this page, the same person was featured in every photo. She was at least eight years younger than Sherlock, blonde curls cascading down her back. Green eyes glinted mischievously at the camera as she posed. Sometimes with John and Sherlock, and another man, sometimes with another man, her husband by the looks of it. But in those photos, Sherlock, he looked so happy, nothing like the person I knew. I looked up as I heard the door slam shut. I winced as my head throbbed in protest. Hurriedly, I replaced the book before picking up the newspaper and running to the sofa. I heard a thundering of feet and winced. "Lucy !" I smiled as John spoke, standing in the doorway, arms laden with groceries. "What are you dining here ?" I frowned.
"I'm not entirely sure. I just got a note saying to come to this address. I'm pretty sure it was She-" as of on cue Sherlock walked through the door way and placed two items in front of me. A painkiller and water. I looked at him in bewilderment, eyebrows furrowed slightly. "The scent of alcohol lingered." He said as way of explanation. I didn't believe him but I chose not to push. "Why am I here ?" I asked brusquely, watching as he walked towards the window. "It is quieter here, we will be able to work better." I nodded slowly, staring at him doubtfully. The silence was interrupted by John's phone "Mycroft." was all he said before disappearing into his room. I walked over to Sherlock. "Alcohol doesn't linger. And from what I've seen, you are perfectly fine with the noise. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you already knew what'd happened yesterday." I noted quietly. "Charlotte said someone brought me home yesterday. She didn't say who." I searched for a reaction in his eyes. The tiniest flicker of nervousness in his eyes told me what I needed to know. "How interesting." He remarked turning away. "Thank you." He nodded, looking to John who came back, phone in hand. "He wants us to go see him."
"No." John walked over to Sherlock "It's about Liv" he hissed barely loud enough for me to hear. Sherlock nodded before turning to me. "Stay here and continue working on the case. We will be back soon." He pulled on his coat before sweeping out of the room, John close behind.

AN : Thanks for reading Xx

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