Three ; Sherlock

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I climbed out of the cab and walked into St Bart's, slamming the door behind me. John paid the cabbie before running after me, "Sherlock ! Sherlock wait !" I rolled my eyes before turning around. "What ?" he caught his breath before glaring at me. "Why did we just leave Lucy behind, Lestrade said we had to work with her."
"Yes, well, Lestrade is an idiot."
"Sherlock ! Just give her a chance, she seems nice enough."
"Exactly." Just then my phone buzzed with the familiar sigh. I pulled it out of my pocket, ignoring John's pleading gaze.

Lucille Fitzgerald. Your newest project ?

Jealous ?

There was no response and I smiled lightly before tucking the phone into my pocket and walking into the morgue. Molly stood over a body, quietly talking to a woman who, when Molly turned around, was revealed to be Lucille. She threw me an antagonising smirk before clearing her throat. "The toxicology report says he died of an overdose of insulin. There are no obvious marks on the body, but you can see a faint pinprick on the arm where it was injected." I scowled, what gave her the right to analyse the body without me ? I stepped towards the body, hoping to find something that she missed but to my embarrassment, I found nothing. I stepped away, trying my best to conceal my discomfort. "That still doesn't explain the water." I was grasping at straws, searching for something, anything to prove her wrong. Fortunately for her, my phone buzzed again with a reply from Irene :

Of course not Mr Holmes, merely curious. Does she know about Liv ?

Why would she, I barely know her.

Because Mr Holmes, you seem to be intrigued by her and in my experience, you tend to fall for those who intrigue you.

That still doesn't explain why you think I would tell her about Liv.

Just a thought Sherlock, just a thought.

I was about to type a reply when Lucille cleared her throat. "The water. An anomaly, interesting, it doesn't fit. What's the point in drenching your victim after you kill them ?" There was a silence as we pondered the question. I watched in confusion as Lucille drained her bottle. It looked like water, but she reeked of alcohol. Vodka. She was hungover and still drinking but why ? What was the point ? She was different, something new. I couldn't understand her. It wasn't like with Irene, I could deduce Lucille easily but my deductions of her were all contradictory. She had a good job and friends but she roamed rooftops alone and had suicidal thoughts and a serious drinking problem. The only reason I'd turned to drugs was when I was alone. She certainly wasn't so why resort to alcoholism ? She had a brilliant mind and was a quick thinker, the best in her field and yet her mannerisms all implied indolence. How did she rise up the ranks so quickly ? She was the mystery I couldn't solve. A few moments later, she clapped her hands together and jumped down from the table she was perched upon. "I shall bid you farewell for now Holmes, we should do our own independent investigations and regroup later, do you accept my premise ?" She asked, placing her sunglasses into her nose. "I do." I replied and she grinned before walking out the door. After a few minutes, I exited the building, leaving John to say goodbye to Molly and run after me.

AN : Irene ! But who is Liv ? Hope you enjoyed the chapter 😉 Love you all 😘

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