Nine ; Lucy

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I was woken up by the consistent beeping of my alarm. I tried to block out the sound with my pillow, but all I succeeded in doing was cutting off my air supply. With a groan, I heaved myself out of bed, rubbing my eyes blearily as I shuffled towards the bathroom. After showering, I pulled on my leggings, shirt and green leather jacket. I walked into the living room where Lottie sat, on the phone with her latest client. "Yes. I understand. But-Ms Flyndale, you can't have an 6 foot ice sculpture as a centre piece if you want a candle chandelier hanging directly overhead. B-because the statue would melt." She held the phone at arm's length as the aforementioned "Mrs Flyndale" yelled a stream of insults down the phone. I snatched the phone from her grasp and hung up, smirking as she glared at me playfully. I bent down to stroke MV, frowning as he hobbled away. "That's fine, I'm just the person that makes sure you stay alive." I muttered under my breath before strolling into the kitchen. I mixed MV's glucosamine supplements into his food and set it down for him to eat, glaring as he lunged for the bowl. I'm competing with a food bowl. I shook my head lightly before refilling his water. Charlotte walked over to me, grabbing the bottle of vodka out of my hands and replacing it with water. I scowled but accepted it all the same. I slipped on my sunglasses and opened the door. "See ya Lottie ! Don't let the Flyndales bully you. Tell them they'll have me to deal with if they keep yelling."
"What'll you do ? Annoy them into submission ?" I scoffed in mock anger. "Me ?" She grinned before waving at me. I strolled into the sunlight, water in hand.


I rounded the corner, smiling as Baker Street came into view. I rapped thrice on the door, smiling as Mrs Hudson answered, stepping back so I could walk in. I frowned at the scene in front of me. Two men stood opposite Sherlock as they discussed someone. From the vague resemblance and the way he glared at Sherlock, I had a clear idea who one of them was. I walked forward, watching as the man tapped his umbrella impatiently. I stuck out my hand and smirked. "Mycroft Holmes I presume." He looked at my extended hand as if it was a weapon before accepting it tentatively. Sherlock cleared his throat as he and the other man turned to me. "Fitzgerald! I did not realise you would be coming today. We will be leaving shortly." His eyes flashed urging me to leave. "But I came all the way here." Sherlock looked ready to throttle me but the mystery man clapped him on the back. His green eyes danced with amusement, green like the girl in the photos. Green like those of the girl I'd murdered. I paled slightly, looking down at my feet as he spoke. "Nonsense Sherlock. She can stay here while we are gone." He bristled but hung his head before nodding. "You can stay but don't look at my things." I smirked before turning away. Someone knocked on the door and Mrs Hudson ran to open it. Meanwhile, the man smiled as he introduced himself. "Hi ! Jacob Greene, nice to meet you. I do apologise for Sherlock." Greene ?! The name confirmed my suspicions and I staggered back in fear. He looked at me curiously and I forced myself to smile and shake his hand. "Lucy Fitzgerald. And don't bother apologising for Sherlock, we all know what he's like." He laughed slightly, before grinning as John and Lestrade walked in. I nodded at the D.I and the sandy haired doctor. "Jacob!" cried John, smiling as they hugged. The six of them waved goodbye before filing out of the door. Sherlock turned back to stare at me a while longer and I smiled faintly before the door shut. I stood in front of the door on shaky legs for a good five minutes before falling to the floor. I pitied my head in my shaking hands. What have I done ?

AN : Hello Everyone !!! I'm back 😊 Sorry for the long wait, but school just started for me so updates might be a bit spaced out. Hope you enjoyed 😉

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