Fifteen ; Sherlock

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I looked up as Lucy entered, draping her coat over a chair and lay down on my bed, using my stomach as a headrest. "So Holmes, what did you get up to while I was away ?" She was, of course, referring to her two day absence from the Greenhouse. Lizzie had asked to keep me here in case my cut developed an infection. Nonsense, of course but I'd dutifully obeyed, Lizzie had brought me back from death's door after my "death". Lucy and I had been holed up in my room, trying to find a way to get to Christine and Jensen. Eventually she'd had to leave to feed MV and tell Mrs Hudson where I was even though I'd insisted that the old lady would be fine. "I went over the files again. Nothing new. But from your account of the Ball I have reached the conclusion that they will be going for Ms Adler next." At this, Lucy sat up. She turned to me, blood red lips curving upwards. "Ah yes, the elusive Adler. Who exactly is she anyway ?" I folded my hands under my chin, closing my eyes in thought.  "An old friend." She narrowed her eyes but didn't push any further. "You, Lizzie, Ethan and I will be going on a retrieval mission. Once we have located her, we'll be able to question her about the Peters."
"What ?! Sherlock no, you're still recovering from the last mission, there's no way Ross and Hayes are going to let you go." I frowned, staring up at her. "Don't worry. It'll be fine." I promised with a dismissal wave. Her response was to glare and walk away.

I replayed the scene in my head as I watched Mycroft walk into the room. The quiet buzz of chatter in the room ceased as he entered and everyone stared. "Good Morning everyone, I'm sure you know why we are here." Lizzie and Ethan walked in, taking seats behind Lucy and I. "After careful deliberation we have decided to send out a team for the retrieval of Miss Adler. As Agents Ross and Hayes have not cleared you for combat brother mine, you shall be running back end here at the greenhouse. Lucille, Ethan and Elizabeth shall be going on the mission and we'll have a tac team on the ground. The Woman's last known location was Italy a few days ago. Let's clear out people." Mycroft left as abruptly as he'd arrived. I turned around to glare at the young scientists behind me. "Not cleared for combat ?!" Ethan shrank under my gaze but Lizzie leaned forwards in her seat, tilting her chin upwards. "You aren't. It's as simple as that, any sudden movements from you and your stitches could tear." I turned away, seething. Lucy put a hand on my back. "Don't worry Holmes, we'll be fine. You'll be just as useful here, if not more." I sighed before nodding. "You could also set up some servers to run diagnostics on her other known locations. I'm sure your Old Friend will have other places she's been seen at lately." At this, Lizzie and Ethan glanced at each other. "Old friend ?" She mouthed at me, eyebrows creased slightly. I shot her a look that shut her up fast but Lucy didn't fail to catch her inquisitive gaze. She chose not to say anything though. After a few more minutes of pointless talking, we dispersed to suit up, pack essentials and find more info.


We arrived at the air hangar and I was pulled out of my thoughts by Lucy placing a hand on my arm. I looked down at the sudden contact and then up to her, meeting her concerned gaze. "You ok Holmes ?" Ethan and Lizzie had already boarded the plane and Mycroft's lackeys were staring at Lucy irritably. "Fine. Just thinking about the mission." She smiled slightly but it faded as she looked at the plane. She wrapped her arms around me carefully and I froze at the touch, looking down as she buried her face in my coat. "Take care of yourself." She whispered before stepping back, picking up her bags and walking towards the plane. She climbed up the stairs before casting a final glance at me, waving and disappearing through the doors. I leant against the car, watching as the plane geared up, ready to take off. It got faster and faster, streaking down the airstrip before the wheels lifted up and it flew into the air. I watched it until the plane was no more than a speck amongst the clouds. I turned away, flicking my coat collar up and stepping into the car.

You too Fitzgerald, you too.

AN : Thanks too all my readers, hope you enjoyed Xx
Shoutout to iamsherlocked64 (hope you enjoy the updates after a brief break😉) and Uilosris for all her help Xx

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