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2 years ago
Two figures walked side by side down a path shrouded with trees. The taller of the two, a young man with raven curls, held an umbrella over himself and the young woman beside him, shielding them both from the rain.

"This was fun. I think we needed this, one last trip before I leave." The young woman grinned up at the man who was staring intently at the ring that crowned her hand.

"My little cousin, engaged. To a real person and not her stuffed bear." A smile played at his lips as she punched him playfully.

"Well Sherlock, if I remember correctly, and I do, you were a wonderful maid of honour." He laughed, features crinkled in a pleasing smile. They walked a while more before Sherlock paused, smile fading slightly.

     Liv turned when she felt the absence of the umbrella, fat drops of rain falling onto her hair. She turned to him in confusion. Handing her the umbrella, Sherlock looked down at the ground, gazing into the rapidly forming puddles.

     "You'll still visit won't you ?" His voice was soft as he kicked the floor absentmindedly. Liv's expression softened as she stared at her cousin before drawing her into a hug, hiding her face in his coat.

"Of course I'll visit Sherl. I'm moving to Scotland not Wyoming." He let out a weary laugh, smiling sadly as she pulled away.

"I promise you, the engagement won't change anything. I'll still visit every Saturday. I will always be there for you. No matter what."

"No matter what." He echoed sadly, eyes burning. Liv seemed satisfied for she began to walk forwards again, taking the umbrella with her.

"Hurry up Sherlock ! You're going to get soaked." He ran to catch up with Liv as she rounded the corner. She turned towards him with a smile as he caught up with her. He took a step forwards just as Liv opened her mouth to speak. A bird flying out of a tree caused Sherlock to turn away, staring after the raven that had flown into the night.

Sherlock heard two small sounds and whipped his head around to Liv only to turn white.

"Sherlock..." She was stumbling towards him drunkenly almost, as if staying on her feet was an impossible task. She dragged herself towards him, collapsing just in time for Sherlock to catch her. His face was contorted in confusion and worry as he struggled to keep her standing. It was only when he felt something warm and sticky on his hands that it finally set in. He lifted a pale hand to the light, eyes widening as he saw the red liquid coating it. Sherlock looked down at Liv in fear. He lowered her to the ground cursing violently, calling for help in broken french as he used one hand to staunch the blood flow.

He dialled an ambulance in a haze, hot tears threatening to blur his vision. All the while whispering encouragement to his cousin. Liv was nearly comatose, blood dribbling from her mouth and the colour leeched from her skin. Sherlock's hands shook as he used his free hand to stroke her head.

"Sherlock....it hurts." He let out a choked sob, brushing strands of hair from her face.

"Liv ? Listen to me, it will be ok. I called an ambulance, ok ? You just need to stay awake a little while longer."

She shook her head imperceptibly, a light sheen of perspiration coating her forehead.

"Be brave." He looked down. Liv's breath was coming in rasps and her hands shook.

"If the ambulance doesn't come in time-"

"It will. Don't even say that. Save your oxygen." Liv let out a noise halfway between a laugh and a cry of pain.

"Promise me that you'll be brave. That you won't push everyone away. I know it will seem like God is punishing you. That everything has gone dark. But I promise you. You will get past this. You will survive this." His curls were now plastered to his forehead, trousers soaked by puddles of rain that were washing away blood.

"You just hang in there. The ambulance will come and everything will be fine."

Liv's face was scrunched up in pain but after hearing him, she nodded, as if satisfied before her head tilted to the side. He cried out, frantically calling out her name whilst searching for a pulse.

Sherlock refused to believe she was dead, staying beside her and whispering her name until the ambulance arrived. He had to be dragged away from Liv's body by the medics. She couldn't be dead. She couldn't. Liv was meant to die old, surrounded by her kids and grandkids. Not alone in an abandoned park.

The medic was speaking to him but Sherlock couldn't hear him. It was as if he was underwater. As if the place where his emotions resided had been locked in a box of steel and ice. He could feel nothing. Not the cold of the air, not the blood slowly drying on his hands and not grief as they drove away. He was empty. The demons had consumed him.

If only he had stood in front of her. Shielded her somehow. Then it would've been him lying on those cobblestones dead. Not her. It would've been ok. Liv would still be alive.

AN : Hey everyone, it's been a while. I'm so sorry for the long wait but school just started and I've been really busy. Updates will be slightly more spaced out for the next month but hopefully I can write a few chapters in advance during the holidays. I hope you guys enjoyed New Year's Day and that you have a great 2019 🖤🖤🖤

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