Chapter 1

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Extremely exhausted, Camila Cabello let herself fall on the hotel bed and tried to calm down. She just came from one of Taylor's big stadium shows in New York. Being part of the Reputation Tour was probably the most exciting thing she ever experienced. Every single show was special and breathtaking in its own way and she never got tired of seeing so many beautiful souls singing, crying, dancing and escaping reality with her. Just seeing that they were having the time of their lives made her smile.  Even backstage she was surrounded by terrifyingly talented people who worked their butts off to make this huge tour possible. All of this was still incredible unreal (even after so many nights performing!!) and she felt like she totally could rave about it forever. The young woman was basically living her dream and doing what she loved the most. That was all she ever wanted.

Still daydreaming Camila replied to some fan tweets and liked a few of their comments about the show. She always tried to interact a lot with them. They brought her to where she  was now and showed kindness and support from the very beginning. Sometimes they were 'a little' too obsessed with her love life but it was nice to know that she had this whole protective 'squad' who always got her back, no matter what. Camila didn't take that for granted.

After that she scrolled down her Instagram. There were some really nice video clips of herself performing with Taylor and Charli to 'Shake It Off'. Their facial expressions were kinda hilarious. The two of them were so kind and down on earth that she felt honored to call them her friends. She smiled and looked at the next post.

But her smile faded instantly and her heart sank to the ground. It was Matthew.

Matthew Hussey was her official boyfriend since February. They met at 'Good Morning America' and talked a bit. Camila already knew him through his work as dating coach and was kind of a fan back then. One thing led to the other and the next thing she knew was that they were dating. Of course they were both very busy but managed to meet every now and then when they were in the same country. Camila really tried to make this mostly long-distance relationship work and put all her effort in it since she accepted the fact that she would never really have a 'normal' relationship ages ago. Even though her fans didn't seem to like him, she was quite happy. Apparently he wasn't.

At first she genuinely thought the video was photo shopped. You would be surprised how good people were at editing nowadays. But when Camila looked closer, the clip clearly showed him and some blonde chick who she had never seen before making out  in the middle of a city that looked a lot  like Paris. Very original. It would be quite romantic if there wasn't the fact that he already had a girlfriend. And she wasn't blonde at all.

Camila was absolutely paralyzed and couldn't think straight. She just stared at the phone screen and watched the video repeating itself over and over.

He cheated on her.

The realization hit her hard.

Her so called 'boyfriend' cheated on her.

Camila's mind went crazy.

How was this even possible? The last time she checked he still was a dating coach. So many questions. She had so many fucking questions. How long had this been going on? Was it recent? Why didn't he broke their relationship off? Did she do something wrong?

No,no, no.. Camila slowly shook her head.

This wasn't her fault.

But she wanted an explanation. At the same time she didn't. But when he finally called an hour later she still accepted it.

"Camila I - ", he began but she cut him off quickly. She thought about this thoroughly and had already made her decision. "I don't want your apologies, Matthew. We're over anyway." Her voice was surprisingly calm for the fact that she spent the last half hour heavily breathing on the floor, suppressing the urge to smash something.

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