Chapter 5

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four months later - December 2018


"NORMANI, LANGUAGE!", Ally scolded her and grabbed a random pan from Camila's newly furnished kitchen to hit her with it playfully.

A moment later the front door swung open and Camila and Dinah, as close as ever, entered the room with two huge shopping bags in their hands. "Oh you're already there", Camila said surprised and hung her jacket on the wardrobe. "Hah! Chancho you owe me 20 bucks", Dinah said and smiled satisfied while using Camila's old nickname. Camila sighed and gave her the money.

"If I'm broke and have to live on the street next year because Dinah always wins the bets I'm going to blame you two", she said pointing at Ally and Normani. "Just to let you know."

"Wait- hold on!", Normani said slowly. "Are you really going to tell me that you were shopping the whole time while we were sitting here and waited for you?"

Dinah and Camila exchanged glances when they saw the perplexed look on Normani's face. "Well not only THAT kind of shopping... We also were buying some ingredients for the cake", Camila said innocently, trying not to laugh.

"See! I told you to just go up and look after them in Mila's bedroom. There was no need to shout thirty-seven times. No need- ", Ally started ranting but was interrupted by a very proud-looking Dinah. "Damn Mani, that's a fucking record!" But Normani was not having it at all. "I'm going to murder y'all in bed, just wait", she said still pissed. "Normani!", Camila and Ally said reproachful in sync. "Alright, alright chill. Let's just go in the kitchen and bake."

But seconds later Dinah and Normani continued their discussion and Ally made sure that it didn't degenerated. Camila shook her head in disapproval but followed her friends in the kitchen.

In September she suddenly felt like she needed to make a change in her life with everything that was going on at that point. So she decided to move out. Not only from her hotel room which was overdue anyway but also from her parents house in Miami. Her little sister Sofia was really sad about it but her parents understood immediately and in the end they all were very excited for her when she told them that she wanted to stay in New York.

Then everything happened very quickly. Shawn and Ally helped her finding the perfect apartment, near the central park, in the middle of New York and at the top of a huge building.

The flat itself was divided into two floors.

On the first floor was a big kitchen, a bathroom, a guest room and the living room. But the best was probably the big terrace in front of it. Camila couldn't say how many nights she already spent there, just looking at the stars and writing down song ideas. She always had a thing for that.

On the second floor was her bedroom, another bathroom and a little studio room where she could work on her new songs. It wasn't as good as a professional one but it was enough. The whole apartment was just beautiful and she HAD to buy it even though it was pretty big.

All of her friends who actually lived in New York (mostly Ally, Dinah and Normani but also Ariana) helped her to transport all of her things to her new home and a week later her family arrived to help her with the facility. The result was just incredible. Sadly Shawn had to leave in between because of some concerts in his home town Toronto. But since she grew close to her other friends again, Camila had decided to throw a little party on New Years Eve and invited them all.

The doorbell rang and the four girls who where completely covered in flour looked curiously at the door. "I'LL BE RIGHT THERE", Camila shouted and quickly washed her hands. Then she ran to the door and opened it.

"Sorry, we were- ."

Lauren Jauregui's green eyes stared right into her brown ones.

"Hey Camz."

Camila nearly had a heart attack. Why wasn't it forbidden to just randomly appear in front of her door by now?

"Hello Lauren. Do you want to come in?", Camila asked uncertainly. "I would love to", Lauren said and Camila let her step not only into her home but her life again which was retrospective probably one of the best decisions she ever made.


Five hours later, at eight pm, they still sat on Camila's couch and talked. The other girls had left earlier to give them some alone-time.

Camila learned that on the day of the VMA'S Lauren's mum Clara suddenly called to inform her that her grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. So she hopped on the next plane and made her way to Miami to spent the last few months with her.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Laur." Lauren smiled sadly at her former best friend and bandmate. "Thank you Camz but I'm really glad that I had the chance to say goodbye. She was such a positive person. I bet she would've loved you. You know, she actually told me to talk to you again. Basically demanded it. She knew that ending our friendship was my biggest regret. Because, let's be honest... It was my fault."

Camila wanted to protest but Lauren continued.

"I could've easily asked Shawn or even the girls for your number but I didn't want to have this conversation on telephone. You could have just declined the call or not text me back and I wouldn't have blamed you. But myself even more than I already did. Pretty egoistic, right?"

"No, it is relatable. If you're egoistic than I'm too. Look. I'm so glad we talked and I'm ready to begin this new chapter of my life together with y'all. It's gonna be better than everything we've experienced before", Camila said seriously.

Lauren hugged her tightly.

"I'm ready too", she said and laughed in relieve. "But you do realize that you're still in your flour clothes, did you? Because Normani just texted me that they just picked up Shawn and Taylor from the airport and they are coming over for an hour or something."

Camila froze.

"HOLY SHIT, WHAT? But today is the thirtieth! They weren't supposed to be here before tomorrow! It looks like a mess in here", she complained.

"Relax, they just wanted to surprise you. I'm going to clean this up and you go under the shower, okay? You have twenty minutes. Hurry up!"


Exactly twenty minutes later, Camila headed downstairs towards the living room where her friends already sat and talked. When she entered everyone looked her way but her eyes immediately focused on the only guy in the room.

"I can't believe it! It's been so long", Camila said. "I know. Way to long. I've missed you", Shawn said seriously and pulled her into a hug. Instantly her heartbeat went faster and even though she wondered why, she didn't care enough to figure it out. She just wanted to never let go of him.

But that quickly changed when she saw the telling glances Dinah and Normani exchanged. Damn, they were going to tease her. Camila released Shawn abruptly and turned to Taylor. But it was a little too quick and she knew they noticed it.

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