Chapter 7

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"I still can't believe you did that! It's New Years Eve and y'all ruined it! You don't even listen to me!" "Lauren, you need to stop. We can't change it now." "NO! I feel like you don't care at all." "We do because of what happened to Camila. But if you expect us to be sorry for beating up this little peace of shit- " "Dinah!" "- then I have to tell you we're not." "So you would just do it again? Are you completely insane?" "Yes I would for what he said he was going to do. And you should too if you care for her!" "I fucking-" "Lauren!" "- are you really questioning that I don't care for her?" "No I'm not but I can tell that you still haven't processed what you just saw." "Dinah, Lauren it's enough! Please leave, I can't stand you right now."

Silence.  A moment later, steps who moved away were heard and a door was closed.

Camila's face felt like a camel stepped on it. Slowly she opened her eyes and blinked against the glaring lights. She was lying on a white hospital bed, next to her some monitors beeped annoyingly. Across the room stood Ally and looked out the window.

"Damn", Camila said groaning when she tried to sit up. Surprised, Ally turned around. "You're awake!", she said happily. "But how are you feeling? Your face looks very...colourful."

"It hurts a little but I'm fine. Are Shawn and Dinah okay? And what about Austin?"

"They'll survive it, don't worry. Unless Lauren decides to kill them. She's furious", Ally said with a grimace.

Camila sighed in relief. "She'll have to leave that to me. What were they thinking? What even happened after I passed out?"

"Niall was looking for you and Lauren after you disappeared so quickly. He was worried. When he saw the scenario in front of him, he was quick to react and pulled them apart. Some passengers helped. Lauren called me and the ambulance and we drove together to the hospital. Normani and Taylor stayed to watch your apartment and the party."

"I'm glad they did. But why all of this? Shawn is literally non-violent. I can't say the same about Dinah but she must have had a very good cause too."

"Austin....he made dire remarks.. on something he was going to do. Concerning you", Ally said hesitantly. "It doesn't matter what he says, I don't listen to him anyway." She shook her head. "Camila, you don't understand. He.. he wanted to sell a video to the media.", Ally said, suddenly with tears in her eyes.

Camila's eyes widened in shock. There was only one video Ally could be talking about.


Flashback - 3 years ago (Trigger warning)

Camila's pov:

Slowly I looked down at the razor. Perhaps pills would had been the better choice. But I wanted to feel it first. I deserved the pain.

I never intended to end my life like this.

Not so young, not by myself and definitely not in my hotel bath room after I had slept with Austin who was probably still in the bed. I always thought I would die somewhere nice and in peace.

I could just stop. Maybe I should. But I wouldn't.

My tears trailed down my face. I made the first cut and tried to muffle my sobs. Even though it hurt, it was quite satisfying. I looked at my wrist and continued.

One..Two ...

The cuts went deeper.


Slowly I found a rhythm.


I heard voices.

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