Chapter 10

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It was ten pm when Camila and Lauren finally arrived at the pizzeria. It hadn't changed a bit over the years. The little lights shone in a beautiful way and the table in the corner which they always confiscated was free. Camila walked over to sit down. It had become a ritual between her and the girls to visit this tiny place every time they were together in London. It's been a while since the last time she was here.

"So what's up with Shawn and you?", Lauren asked immediately after they ordered their pizzas. "And don't tell me it's nothing. I saw the glances", she added and winked her. Camila sighed. She already lost this battle. "Okay I'll tell you. But it's complicated and I can't really see through it myself."

Lauren nodded patiently.

Camila took a deep breath and told her everything. Beginning with the kiss on New Years Eve and ending with the short but steamy elevator make-out scene. It felt really good to get this of her chest since it had bothered her this long.

"Wow.. That is some crazy shit", Lauren said and let out a breath. "I know", Camila said agreeing and took a slice of her pizza which just arrived. "So 'Must Be Love' really is about him?!" Camila nodded. "Wow, I guess Ally won the bets", Lauren told her. "What? How did she figured it out?", Camila asked surprised. She thought she did a pretty good job at hiding it. "We all did somehow. It wasn't that difficult. You always write your problems down. Mostly in songs. But Dinah, Normani and I thought it would be too good to be true. But Ally just knew it", Lauren replied, leaning back satisfied. "I don't know what you're waiting for though. Shawn is a nice guy, he would never intentionally break your heart. You two are basically made for each other. Go for it", she added.

Camila shook her head. "I don't even know if he likes me like that."

Lauren's eyes widened. "Girl, are you kidding me? He's head over heels for you!" "He isn't", Camila said convinced. Lauren glared at her.

"Listen to me, Karla. Why the fuck would he stare at you as if you are the most precious thing that ever existed if he isn't in love with you?", she said seriously, even though Camila almost cracked up when Lauren called her by her first name. "That proves nothing. He's my best friend, remember?", she said after she calmed down. "Gosh, I can't believe you're THAT oblivious. I mean...he wrote this entire 'self-titled' album which he might've as well just named 'Camila' and you didn't even realized it. You really should listen to 'Why' and 'Because I Had You' again", Lauren advised her. "Poor guy. The whole world knows but the girl he likes not. Camz, you have to believe me. Shawn is in love with you. And clearly you're too. Why make it more difficult then it is?"

Camila was unsure. "But even if you're right... What if it doesn't work out? What if it'll destroy our friendship?"

This time Lauren shook her head. "If you don't give it a shot it will destroy your friendship anyway. It already does. You're something like friends with benefits by now. Don't do this. You'll regret it."

Camila thought about it and had to admit that Lauren was right. As always. "Okay, Laur. I'm going to do this", she said gaining new confidence. Lauren smiled amused. "That's the right attitude!" Camila smiled too. "But what am I going to do now?" Lauren winked and stand up. "I am going to pay the bill now. And then WE will take a taxi to our hotel which is also Shawn's. And then, YOU will go and get your fucking man."


Camila knocked three times. Her breath was unsteady and it definitely didn't help that Shawn opened the door shirtless. "Camila?! What are-", he began to speak but was quickly interrupted by her.

"Wait. Please let me talk first." Shawn nodded unsure. "Okay." Camila took deep breath. "Well, maybe I'm completely insane but Lauren told me it was the right thing to do. And I trust her." Shawn wanted to say something but remembered Camila's words and encouraged her to continue instead.

"After we first kissed I thought I destroyed everything. I blamed myself for it the whole time. That's why I didn't text you. I thought you didn't want me to. Instead I sat in my room and wrote songs. Like I always do when something is bothering me and I want to escape. But I realized something today. Sometimes things need to be destroyed to make place for something bigger and even more beautiful. Sometimes you have to act on things that are important to you. Sometimes you can't just bottle everything up and hide. I say that because I really like you Shawn Mendes. More than a friend. And if Lauren was right and you like me too, which would also make me the most oblivious person on the planet, then maybe we could figure something out, right?"

Shawn just stood there and stared at her with his beautiful eyes. A few seconds passed by before he spoke again.

"Are you serious?", his voice was low and raspy and Camila melted away.


A smile spread across his face and he stepped closer to hug her. "I'm not really sorry, but you're the most oblivious person on the planet now." Camila looked up and her eyes met his. "I'm not sorry either."

Shawn's eyes wandered to her lips. "Can I kiss you?" Camila laughed. "Of course, silly", she said, longing for his soft touch. "But I won't", Shawn replied to her surprise. "What? Shawn, please", Camila pouted. "Not so impatient, my love. First, we have to go on a real date. I'm a gentleman", he said confidently. "We made out in the elevator today", Camila stated and rolled her eyes. "Doesn't matter", Shawn said insisting. "Okay, okay... but don't let me wait too long." Shawn nodded. "Don't worry. But you should rest until then. You look really tired. I'll bring you back to your room."

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