Chapter 16

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"Shawn, can I talk to you?", Camila asked pleadingly, entering his hotel room. They were currently in Washington D.C., but didn't share a room because he had to get up early and didn't want to wake her up. At least that's what he said.

"I'm sorry but I have to go to a meeting now. Maybe later?", he replied stiffly and hastily threw some stuff in his bag. Camila could easily tell that he lied. "Really? Because you've been saying that for two weeks now. I actually talked to Andrew an hour ago and he said that it is your day off", she exclaimed.

"Something came up", Shawn said shortly and looked at the door.

"Well, I don't believe you", Camila said slightly upset. "You've been avoiding me since- since, you know, the incident", she added softly, unsure how to describe the situation without making it awkwardly.

"I don't know what you're talking about but I really have to go", Shawn said frowning and still not looking at her. When he tried to walk out, Camila blocked his way. "I won't let you leave until you talk to me. What's your problem with me?"

Shawn snorted. "Camila you're being delusional. I don't have a problem with you except that this is getting very childish." She laughed in disbelieve. "Okay go then."

Shawn shot her a confused look. "What?"

Camila glared at him.

"I'm done with this. Talk to me when you come to your senses. I'll be in New York", she said and left.


As soon as she closed her own door behind her, she pulled out her phone. She didn't even know who to call but she definitely needed someone. Lauren? Not possible, she had her own show right now. Dinah or Normani? Nope, definitely not. They would freak out. Ally was still in Australia to promote her album. She also couldn't bother Ariana. The girl was busy enough with her wedding. Sofi was still too young. Lucie, Niall and Hailee were to close to Shawn. Shit. Who was left?


Of course! Why didn't she immediately think of her? Quickly she dialed the older girl's number.

"Baby C, what a surprise!"

"Hey Tay. Do you have a moment?", Camila said nervously. "Wait", Taylor said. Camila heard her talking to someone in the background. "Sorry about that", the older girl apologized. "So, what's going on?" Camila almost laughed, even though she felt like crying. Taylor always sensed when something was wrong. It was a little creepy.

"Could you pick me up from the airport?", she asked still upset.

"Of course, when will you- wait what, why?", she heard the older girl saying.

"Mister- you're being delusional Camila- and I had a fight", she replied sighing. "In that case, no", Taylor said firmly.


"You can't run from your problems Mila. Face them", the blonde replied. "You're saying that like it was actually easy. He's avoiding me. Believe me, I tried", Camila said.

"Apparently not hard enough!"

"Are you kidding me? This is not my fault! He says that he loves me but bitch where?!", Camila shouted angrily.

"Hah, I knew it", Taylor said immediately and caught her off guard. "You did that on purpose, so I would tell you the problem", Camila realized a few seconds later and rolled her eyes. "Well it worked. Pretty fast. But omg- that's so adorable", the blonde squealed exitedly.

"You missed the point. He's avoiding me and we had a fight", Camila stated.

"Did you say it back?", Taylor asked curiously. "No, he had to leave for his Show and after that we were never alone. Do you think that's why he's mad?"


"Honestly? I don't think so. I mean it's Shawn who we're talking about", Taylor said. "Enlighten me then", Camila said impatiently.

"Maybe he believes he said it too early. That you don't feel the same way yet and he messed it up", Taylor said quietly. "That would be very stupid", Camila replied frustrated.

Taylor laughed. "True."


"Camila, why are you calling? I'm in the middle of a meeting", Andrew said confused.

"There's an actual meeting?", she asked shocked, realizing that Shawn didn't lie.

"Yeah, didn't Shawn tell you?"

"No- Yes- anyway, did he arrive already?"

"He did but- isn't he with you?", he asked.

"What no?"

"Well, he stormed in and said something about you and a flight to New York?"

Camila's eyes widened. "Oh hell no! He wouldn't- or would he?"

"Sorry but-", Andrew started.

"Thank you for the help Andrew. Bye."


Camila looked at her phone. It was almost four pm. The flight would go in less than half an hour. Fuck, that was so clichéd. She called a cab and tried to contact Shawn but he didn't pick up. She ran out of time. "Could you please drive faster?", Camila said annoyed to the driver. The old men just glared at her. "If I wanted a lame ass driver, I would have told you", she added.

"It's for your own safety Miss", the driver said, trying hard to stay friendly.

"I don't care, fuck safety!"

Five minutes later, they arrived at the airport. Camila quickly gave him his money and got out. "God damn, where's Lucie when you need her", she muttered while running through the hallways, looking for her boyfriend.


"Please don't be gone."

"Mila, you're still here?", a very familiar voice said behind her. Camila whirled around and suddenly began to sob when Shawn wrapped his huge arms around her and pulled her closer.

"I'm so sorry for what I've said earlier. I didn't mean it."

"You were right all along. I was avoiding you and I-", he started but she pulled him down and kissed him. It felt as magical as the first one they shared.

"I don't care, I love you and I should have said it weeks ago. Because even then I knew it was true."

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