Chapter 13

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"You have to rest, mi amor", Camila said strictly and sat down on Lucie's couch next to Shawn. Her boyfriend was planning some surprises for his upcoming tour for days now and looked really, really tired. She had offered her help several times but Shawn said he needed to do this by himself.

"I love it when you talk in Spanish. It's hot."

Camila winked and slowly started massaging his shoulders. "Sabes qué más estaría caliente?", she asked seductively. (a/n: I googled that, so sorry if it's wrong- I can't speak Spanish)

"Urghh, gross?! Just for the record- I can understand everything you say. Unlike Shawn, who doesn't even know any of these words", Lucie said to Camila when she walked into the living room. Shawn rolled his eyes. "Way to ruin the moment. Don't you have to be somewhere, sweet cousin?"

Lucie raised her eyebrows. "Do you seriously want to scare me out of my own apartment? The nerve..."

Camila laughed. After Lauren had left to Paris for some shows and interviews, Lucie had convinced her and Shawn to spend their last week in London at her place. The two girls became friends very quickly. They laughed a lot- Lucie was pure entertainment. It never was boring with her.

"But actually, you're right. I have a business meeting in half an hour", the redhead said and grabbed her keys. She slid in her shoes and waved them goodbye. Before stepping out, she turned around one last time.

"By the way..don't you dare to do anything naughty on my couch! Or at least destroy the evidence. If I notice anything weird,you're dead", she said threateningly and left.

Shawn and Camila giggled. They already got used to her mocking.

"I can't believe I have to leave today", Camila said dejectedly. He nodded and pulled her closer. "At least we see each other on your birthday", he said encouragingly.

"Five days. How am I going to survive without your cooking skills?", the tiny brunette pouted.

"They're not that good", Shawn said modestly. "They totally are! Have you ever seen mine?", she replied and made a grimace.

"That's just because you never really tried", he said convinced.

"True. But why would I? All of my friends can cook excellently, they spoiled me."

Shawn grinned. "Ariana will help you out", he said.

Camila's phone started ringing. "Which alien calls at ten in the morning? If this is Dinah I'm going to kill her", she said. The younger girl had called her multiple times during the last days, just to get some information about the date and her 'secret lover'. But Camila intended to tell her about it personally. Only Lauren and Lucie knew about her and Shawn yet.

She stood up and walked to her phone which was laying on the table. "Oh, it's Ari", Camila said surprised when she looked at her display and accepted the call.

"Speaking of the devil", Shawn muttered.

"Hello princess!", Ariana said excitedly. Behind her, Shawn started coughing excessively. Camila raised her eyebrows and looked at him questioningly. "That's my pet name for you", he mouthed sulky. She rolled her eyes.

"Hey wifey, what's up?", she asked curiously.

"I'M GETTING MARRIED!", Ariana squealed.

"OMG! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!", she shouted back.

"When, where?", Shawn asked interestedly. Camila winced. She didn't notice that he was standing next to her.

"Wait. Is that Shawn?", Ariana said puzzled. "Yes, we.. erm.. met up for today", Camila said stuttering.


"Sure", her friend said rather unconvinced.

"So tell us", Shawn said to distract from the topic.

"We're still in the middle of planning but the wedding will be very soon. We thought about April 19th. I know you're touring right now Shawn but please tell me that you have time!"

"We're invited?", Shawn asked.

"Well, Camila is", Ariana said mockingly and Shawn snorted.

"Of course you are, silly! You two are family."

Camila laughed. "Count me in."

"Me too", Shawn said and kissed her gently on the cheek.

"Yes! I'll send the official invitations soon but I wanted to call the most important people first. You're back in town tomorrow, right Mila?", she asked her. "Yes. You could come over", Camila said hopefully. "Perfect. Then I can give you yours personally. If you want I can bring some food and we chill the rest of the day together. I really need some distraction from the stress here", Ariana said and sighed.

Camila's face lit up.

"You had her at 'food'", Shawn said and laughed. "I thought so. Then it's settled! See you tomorrow!""Yes, can't wait", Camila said and Ariana hung up.


As she arrived at the airport and checked in her items, Camila turned around to say goodbye to Shawn and Lucie. She had done this countless times before with her family and her friends back home but this time it seemed even harder. The last week was the best she had in a while.

The people around them looked like zombies. Everyone was busy with either their phone or hauling their suitcases. Some people ran to get their flights, others said goodbye to their loved ones under tears. Surprisingly nobody seemed to notice them. Or simply didn't care. But soon Camila spotted a flock of paparazzi making their way to the entrance. All were equipped with cameras and looking for their next victim. They hadn't seen them yet but it was only a matter of time.

"Oh look who's there!", Lucie said, also noticing the paparazzi.

Shawn groaned. "Can't they just leave us poor people alone?"

"Don't worry cousin, I'll save you two lovebirds from getting busted", the smart red-haired said. "Mila, it was a pleasure to meet you! You're just as beautiful, talented and kind as Shawn said you would be. Thanks for the birthday invitation, I will be there."

With that she attempted to make her way to the paparazzi to distract them from the two world stars who didn't announce their relationship in public yet - but Camila stopped her.

"You're a really good friend, Lu. Thank you for everything", she said and hugged the older girl. Lucie wiped her non-existent tears away and winked at her. Then she turned around.

"I'm your biggest fan,I'll follow you until you love me, Papa- paparazzi", she started to sing and walked away.

Camila chuckled.

"You have to know: Lucie is literally obsessed with Lady Gaga so this isn't really weird", Shawn said.

"I'm going to cry", she replied sadly, already missing Lucie's random moods.

"Don't. I have something for you", Shawn said softly and opened his bag. He pulled out a little box and gave it to her. Camila opened it slowly and carefully took out the golden chain. It had a little rose as pendant. Simple but breathtaking beautiful.

"It reminded me of you and our first date", Shawn said smiling.

Camila pulled him closer and kissed him. "Thank you so much", she said.

"Anything for you, beautiful", he replied and wrapped his arms around her."Now go, you're going to miss your flight if you stay longer."

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