Chapter 9

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"When will you arrive?", Camila asked through her phone. She was laying on a blanket in the Hyde Park and enjoyed the beautiful view. It was a sunny day and even though it was still really cold, she felt some warm sun rays on her face. "I'm at the airport right now, so probably at five pm. I have an interview at six", Lauren replied. "How long does the festival go?" "Till ten. But I perform at seven thirty, so can we meet at nine?", she said. "Yep, sounds great! Can't wait to see London, it's been a while since the last time I was there. By the way, is Shawn with you?"

Camila chocked on her hot chocolate. The whole day she had tried to not think of him.

"What? No, why would he?", she asked irritated. "Errmm.. I don't know. Maybe because you're best friends and going to perform at the same festival in the same city today?", Lauren said sarcastically. Camila could basically see her rolling her eyes. "Well no he isn't. What are the others doing? I hope they aren't destroying my apartment!" If Lauren was puzzled by the sudden change of subject, she did not show it. "Don't worry. Ally is doing a good job with holding Dinah and Normani back. I think your precious home will be safe while you're away. Also the three of them have some shows in California, Michigan and Texas, so they won't be there anyway." "Thank god." Camila let out a little laugh. "I have to go now. My flight goes in twenty minutes. See ya later alligator ", Lauren said cheerfully. "Bye!!"

A few minutes later Camila's phone died. "Damn, really?", she said grumpily. Then she lay down again and closed her eyes.


"Fuck, fuck, fuck! I can't believe it", Camila cursed and ran through the park. She fell asleep earlier and just woke up in total darkness. When she came to the exit, she hastily looked around. "Excuse me Miss, but can you tell me the time?", she asked a red head in her way. "It's seven", the woman said friendly and studied her. She seemed to be around twenty five. Ally's age. "Shit, thanks though", Camila said and wanted to keep going. She was already too late for the costume fitting. "You know, I could drive you. My cousin invited me to the festival as well", the woman said and pointed to the taxi next to them. Camila was confused. "How do you know- oh well, I always forget that people recognize me by now. Even in Europe. But thank you so much, I think you just saved my life. What's your name though?", Camila asked and hopped in the car. "You can call me Lucie or Lu if you want", Lucie answered. "Then call me Mila as well. Nice to meet you, Lu", Camila said smiling. Her life saver nodded.

"You know.. I would've never thought you're a taxi driver. How did that happen?", Camila asked interested after she made herself comfortable in the passenger seat. "It may sound crazy - especially to you - but I've always wanted to be one. Driving calms me down and simply makes me happier", Lucie said. "Oh no, it doesn't sound crazy at all. I like to think that everyone has something he or she is passionate about. For me it's music and songwriting but for others it can be something entirely else. I once met a guy who liked to stick eyes made of cardboard on the street lights. I have to admit, it was a little bit weird though. But he said that it makes the environment look more alive", Camila told her and shrugged her shoulders. Lucie laughed. "I really like you, Mila. You seem to be a very nice person. Not that I expected you to be otherwise but you're much more easy-going than I thought."

Camila was pretty touched by her words. People never spoke this directly to her. "Thank you Lu! I can tell that you're very nice too. You're much like my friends actually. And you look like someone I know or used to know..I just can't figure out who." Lucie just smiled.

"We're there!" "Oh, thanks for driving me. I hope I'll see you again one day!" Lucie beamed at her. "You definitely will. I'm going to be the most famous taxi driver in history", she said confidently. Camila laughed and waved goodbye to her newest acquaintance. Then she left for her show.

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