Chapter 4

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The room was incredible huge. Everywhere were balloons, garlands and a lot of glitter. There were no walls at all, just really big windows and a balcony who gave a unique view of the entire New York skyline. In the back was a little bar and a buffet where some people were already eating. But the most stunningly thing around was definitely the ocean of candles. They were literally everywhere, bathing the whole room in a beautiful golden light.

Camila smiled and looked to her right where Shawn stand, still really annoyed from the security guard who didn't let them in because Ariana forgot to give them their identity cards. But luckily she realized it soon enough and came to their saviour.

"Don't look so grumpy,let's have some fun instead", Camila scolded Shawn and left him to greet some people she knew.

Ariana had understated the whole thing, there were by far more people than Camila had expected. Shawn seemed to think the same but only shrugged his shoulders and went to the bar to get himself a drink.


"Wow, you look hot. Like really hot", someone said behind Camila, an hour or two later. She turned around, already knowing who stand there. "Austin, what an unpleasant surprise", She said, not even trying to be nice. She hadn't seen her ex- boyfriend in years and he looked pretty hot but once you saw his true colours, you never fell for it again.He was just another cheater. "Feisty, I like that. But what about skipping that part?! We could make this much easier. You could just forgive me for being an asshole and we could be friends again.Or more." Smiling he gave her a drink which she accepted, but only because she was really thirsty. "We never were friends in the first place, why would I want to be yours now?" Austin's stupid grin faded for a moment. He wasn't used to being blown off.But he always knew Camila was special in some way. "Look, I know you don't want to talk to me right now but maybe that changes. Here's my number, just call me and I'll be there." Austin gave her a little piece of paper, before turning around and leaving the party.

Camila shook her head in disbelieve and looked for a thrash can.

"After all these years, he still is the dumbest of them all", Normani said approaching her. Camila nodded in agreement. Normani and her met earlier this year at the BBMA'S and talked about everything. They were in a good place even though they still felt a bit odd around each other. But time would fix that.

"Did you see the other girls here? I wanted to talk to them", Camila said nervously.

A second later she stumbled backwards because someone ran into her and hugged her so tightly that she couldn't breathe. Luckily two strong hands saved her from falling.

"Woah Allyson, calm down! Camila is going to die if you continue like this and that would be a sin. We don't want to let Allysin out, don't we?", her saviour, Dinah, said in a serious tone to the tiny blonde who held Camila in her arms. Ally rolled her eyes. "Oh holy father, Dinah that's not funny! You're going to go to hell! I'm so sorry though, Mila", she said.

Normani and Dinah widened their eyes when Ally used Camila's nickname, not knowing how she would react. They quickly looked to the brunette who seemed very touched. To everyone's surprise even to her own Camila opened her arms and gave them a group hug. "I've missed you so much", she said in tears.

The others were already crying.


Shawn sighed in relief when Ariana finished her one sided conversation with him and walked over to one of her other guests. She was quite handful and he was very tired. He only stayed because he saw Camila finally talking to three of her former band mates and he didn't want to take her that. But he wouldn't leave without her as well. Every now and then he had looked over to see if she was alright and had talked to some of his own friends.

When he looked this time, she gestured him to come over. He greeted Ally, Normani and Dinah with a hug and stayed next to Camila. He realized that Lauren was missing but decided to ask Camila later about it. "We should go right? It's late. I'll just say goodbye to Ariana and then we can go", Camila said and disappeared in the crowd.

"Mila said you stayed at her hotel room. You two are still pretty inseparable, right? Even more than back in the days when we were all hanging out together", Normani said to Shawn. Dinah sipped on her cocktail.

"I guess. It's difficult to make friends in the music industry and she didn't really try to.Especially girl friends. I mean she has Taylor, Ariana and her friends at home but she doesn't see them often and even when she does, she never lets them in completely. She still is afraid to fill the space that you left. So I'm there for her but trust me I don't want to go through this again", he said. Not that he wouldn't do it again. But next time it would probably break him too.

The three girls seemed to be pretty shaken up by his words but he didn't regret them. They needed to know that they left marks on Camila even if they didn't intend to.Only then their new friendship could work out.

"Shawn, what happened when she left?", Ally asked quietly. She seemed to know that Camila's trust issues weren't the only thing he meant. "That's not my story to tell", he said smiling sadly. After that they all stayed silent.

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