Chapter 6

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Camila's alarm rang early. She wasn't an early bird and normally she would just go to sleep again but unfortunately for her, she had a party to plan. Drowsily, she stand up and got dressed before she made herself a tea and started cleaning up.

It was the last day of December but also the last of 2018. She always felt kinda nostalgic at that point because another year passed by and would be gone forever. But at the same time it was the start of something unknown, new and exciting. Something she really looked forward to.


Four hours later Lauren, Taylor and Shawn arrived to pick her up and they drove to the mall to buy some decorations and fireworks for the party. After what seemed like an eternity they finally arrived at their last stop.

"Mila! Look what I've found here", Shawn shouted excited as soon as they entered. He disappeared behind some blue flamingo sculptures with weird Christmas hats but came back with a pink feather scarf a moment later. Camila grinned widely and reached for it. "Gosh, they look exactly like the ones we had on the Reflection tour!" "I know, right?! I still remember us dancing with them like it was yesterday", he replied softly but seemed to be deep in his thoughts.

Camila remembered it too. On that particular night of their first tour, they had been performing in Toronto. Shawn had been there and when they sung 'Brave, Honest and Beautiful', he and some others had joined them on stage to dance. They all had these hilarious scarves and when he had twirled her around, the feathers and lights were the only thing she could see.

"I kinda miss these days", Camila confessed. "I agree, we were so young and carefree", Lauren joined their conversation. The trio exchanged knowing glances.

"Is there anything else we need?", Taylor interrupted them from behind. "No, we're done here I think", Lauren said but looked at Camila questioningly. "Actually, there is.... How much of these feather scarves do they have?", she asked and winked.


A few minutes later they left with forty feather scarves in their bags. But since they already were pretty full, they also had some wrapped around their necks. As they walked out of the crowded mall, some people stopped when they recognized them and took pictures. Camila laughed and posed for them and Lauren, Shawn and Taylor were quick to join her. Together they gave some autographs and wished everyone good holidays.

"Well that was fun", Shawn said when they walked to the parking lot. "It was! By the way, Dinah just asked if they should come over now and she's complaining that you never look on your phone when you're out", Lauren said to Camila. She just shrugged it off and sat down in Lauren's car. "Yes, tell her we meet them there."

The ride was a silent one and they just sat next to each other, completely in their own thoughts.

"We arrived", Lauren said quietly and they transported the bags upstairs where Dinah, Normani and Ally were waiting for them. "There you are", Dinah said impatiently and took Camila's keys to get inside.

The rest of the afternoon went by in a flash. Everyone helped with the preparations and caused a whole mess. But it was a real fun time.

"DNA, where is the rest of the food you bought?", Shawn shouted from the kitchen. "Really?DNA?", Taylor said and rolled her eyes at the reference directed towards Dinah, Normani and Ally. "Gosh, that's actually genius! Why didn't I came up with this!", Camila said thrilled. "Because you're not", Shawn gave back mockingly and tackled her. "Eyy! SHAWN NOOOOOOOOO STOP IT", she screamed laughing and ran away. He followed her and they started throwing pillows at each other in the living room.

Some minutes later Camila slipped and fell of the couch but Shawn caught her just in time.

Slowly she looked up to him, her cheeks still heated from the pillow fight. They were so close that Camila could feel his heartbeat through his chest. Both stood still and undecided, waiting for the other one to do anything. "Well, the food is in the fridge and- oh", Ally said and stormed in.

Shawn and Camila jumped and their heads bumped against each other. "Damn- ouch. Sorry", Shawn said and his face turned bright red. "Everything's fine. Just go look for the food", Camila said embarrassed and dumbly pointed towards the kitchen. She just realized that Taylor, Lauren, Normani and Dinah were watching the whole time.

"Sexual tension, much?", Dinah said amused when Shawn left. "DINAH", Camila shouted which only made her friend laugh harder.


At eight the other guests arrived. Camila literally invited everyone she was friends with and even though some couldn't come, others travelled far to attend at the party. Her apartment was filled with people. She just greeted Niall and Hailee who recently came from their holidays in Spain.

"Hey guys, so nice to see you", Camila said smiling and hugged them both. "So nice to see you too- hey Lauren! How are you both?", Hailee said excited when Lauren joined them.

"I'm fine but I'll have to talk to you later. Camz, I need your help. It's an emergency and I can't find the others", Lauren said breathless and with an apologetic look on her face. "What's going on?", she asked concerned. "Not here, follow me", Lauren said hastily and basically ran towards the front door. "Lauren stop! Tell me what's going on! ", Camila demanded when she caught up with her friend and got in the elevator.

"It's Austin and Shawn and Dinah", Lauren panted. Austin? Shawn? Dinah? "What-", Camila started to ask but Lauren got out and stormed down the hallway. Camila sighed frustrated and ran after her.

It was freezing outside and she forgot to put on a jacket but she couldn't care less when she saw the three people Lauren was running to. Dinah, Shawn and Austin were all on the ground which was red from someone's blood and beating each other up.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!", Camila screamed in panic and knelt down to pull them apart. Suddenly Austin punched her right in the face and she saw black for a moment. "I'm going to kill you", Shawn said slowly, spit out some blood and attacked him again.

Camila looked around. Lauren behind her was struggling to hold Dinah back and even though she heard her screaming for help nobody seemed to be close by. Camila doubted that Lauren could held her much longer. Dinah was much taller and stronger than her. "Shawn stop! Please!", Camila tried again but when he listened, Austin said something inaudible for her to him and the fight continued. So Camila spontaneously decided to throw herself in the middle. Even though she was punched really hard again, it was more effective and they stopped for a moment. But she felt herself slowly passing out. The last thing she knew was that Shawn and Austin were dragged in different directions and a wave of relief washed over her. Then everything went black.

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