Chapter 12

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"There has to be something I can wear", Camila said sullenly and continued to dig into her suitcase. Shawn had texted her earlier and told her to be ready at five pm. When she asked what to wear, he just replied with 'something casual' and 'not high heels'. She still wanted to look good though.Unfortunately for her, Lauren was giving a concert that day and couldn't help her out. So she decided to face time Dinah who was currently in Los Angeles and just woke up.

"Try the light blue dress", Dinah demanded. Camila nodded and changed but looked rather unconvinced. "Mmhmm I don't know. It looks a little too chic, don't you think?" Dinah smiled amused. "It would be easier to pick something if you would tell me what you're dressing up for." Camila shook her head. "You have to wait until we see us again", she said strictly. "That's so unfair, Mila! I already called Lauren to spill the tea but she won't tell - I bet it's a date", Dinah said mockingly. "You can try as long as you want Cheechee. I won't give in", she replied and rolled her eyes.

"Damn okay, snitch. Wear the metallic mesh top instead." Camila turned around. "Dinah, it's February." "Doesn't matter, you look hot in it", Dinah stated. "No I'm not getting a cold! It's almost my birthday", Camila shot back. "Do you even celebrate? - try the black sweatpants with the white top- Because I have to make my plans", Dinah said seriously. "I don't know but yeah probably. But I definitely won't throw a big party", she answered and put the clothes on at the same time. "Lame, you're already acting all grown up and responsible. You should go out partying", Dinah said outraged. "I'm not acting, it's just not my thing. I mean- look at the last party I threw. We all ended up in the hospital." Dinah laughed. "Well that's true. So it's dinner then?!" "Dinah, I don't know", Camila said again. "Can't wait! By the way... you look perfect."

Camila looked in the mirror and brushed her hair back. "I think you're right. I definitely can go like this. Thank you, D-Mac", she said satisfied. "No problem, girlie", Dinah replied and high-fived her phone. Camila laughed and put her things together.

"I have to go now, he should be there any-" "OMG Mila! It IS a date!", Dinah shouted excited. Camila blushed. "Oh shut up, like you didn't already know", she said playfully and cancelled the call before her best friend could say anything else.

Grinning she went outside where her driver was already waiting for her. None other than Lucille.

"Damn Cabello, you are in a very good mood today. Probably my presence. But don't worry, my cousin won't mind. Because like seriously, we all know - I'm the better looking one", Lucie said jokingly when she started driving.

"Always good to see you, Lucifer", Camila responded smiling.

"Okay okay, I get it. You're already hopelessly in love with him. That nickname though", Lucie said. "First of all, I'm not hopelessly in love with him. Second, it's our first date. I won't rush into anything", she said defensive. "Sure Jan. I know that. I mean a few heavy make-out scenes every now and than, but nothing really rushed", Lucille added with an evil grin. Camila blushed furiously and didn't answer.

That was exactly why she didn't tell Dinah- they were pretty much the same.

"Now go, you don't want him to wait, do you?", Lucille said suddenly. Camila looked out of the window and saw that they arrived at a forest. Shawn was nowhere to be seen.

"Lucie.. Do you think that it was the right decision to make? I don't want to lose him. Like ever", Camila said unsure, still dealing with her issues. Lucille took her hand. "Trust me, you won't. He is- let's just say: It's completely up to you. But tell me, does it feel good?", she asked softly. She nodded slowly. "It does." "Those who don't jump, will never fly", Lucie quoted. Camila took the hint and opened the door. "You should really meet Lauren someday. You two are great at giving advises", she said when she stepped outside.

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