Chapter 14

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"DINAHHH! ALLYYY!", Camila screamed surprised when she opened her door. A second later she threw herself in their arms and hugged them tightly.

"Mila, you crush me!", Ally complained immediately.

"I'm sorry Allycat", Camila said apologetically and let go of them quickly. But the blonde just smiled lovely and hugged her younger friend again.

"Happy Birthday little angel!"

Camila beamed at her happily.

"Move, gnome", Dinah said and pushed Ally slightly to the side.

The tiny woman opened her mouth to protest but then shook her head and stayed quite. It was very interesting to watch. Ally didn't fight at all - she was their little sunshine. That wasn't always good though. She never really stood up for herself only for her loved ones.

"So", Dinah said dead serious, standing in front of her now.

"What?", Camila asked provoking.

"I have a bone to pick with you, Karla", the taller girl replied and snarled.

Camila sighed. She already knew what this was going to be about.

"But first..happy birthday, old woman!", her friend added grinning and embraced her profusely.

"Dinah Jane! If twenty-two is old, what am I?", Ally hissed behind them.

"Sorry guuurl", Dinah said but shrugged her shoulders. Then she turned around to Camila again. "You'll get your birthday presents later. As far as I know Normani and Lauren will be here in less than an hour, just in time for dinner. Is anyone else coming?"

Camila nodded and tried to be inconspicuous. "I invited Shawn and his cousin Lucie. My parents can't make it sadly. But Ariana will be there too. She has wedding invitations for you, by the way."

Ally clapped her hands excitedly. "I love weddings! And Ariana's will be beautiful for sure."

But Dinah had something entirely different in mind. "What's about the guy you won't tell us about? Will he come too? I really need to know who this little - ALLY! "

"You're way too intrusive", the older girl just said.

Camila shook her head. Even though she really wanted to tell Dinah and Ally about Shawn, she had to ask him first. They hadn't had much time to talk during the last days because of his concerts. But she also realized that this was going to be a problem tonight.

"I don't know who you're talking about anyway", she replied innocently, wanting to change the topic.

"I swear to God if you don't tell me, I'll stalk you", Dinah said raging.

"Dinah! Calm down", Ally scolded her.

"But Allyson! You also wanted to know!"

Camila looked at her surprised.

"Yes but I figured that Mila will tell us eventually."

"Snitch", Dinah muttered.

"Y'all need to pray", Ally said seriously, glaring at the younger girl.

"Please stop and come inside", Camila said, rolling her eyes.

Both followed her into the living room and dropped onto the couch. Dinah stayed silent, probably still pissed at them but Ally started talking about her plans for the next few months and played Camila a song she had been working on. 

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