Chapter 15

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A flash of lightening- followed by thousands others.

"Camila, Shawn here!"

"Shawn, what was that video about?"

"Are you going to adopt a dog when you're moving in together?"

"What is going on between you two?"

"Camila, care to explain?"

"Did you kiss before?"

Camila covered her ears. The noise was deafening. Shawn stood rather helpless on the other side. Both were completely overwhelmed with the situation and surrounded by paparazzi and interviewers. Their guards were busy with rescuing them and making their way through the crowd.

When they finally could get to Shawn, he quickly made his way to Camila who was nearly having a panic attack.

"Hey, hey listen. Everything is alright. We're going to the car, I'm right by your side", he said to her reassuringly, cupping her face.

Camila nodded and grabbed his hand.

The crowd went even wilder and the couple was blended by the white flashes again. But this time, their bodyguards had the control and could get them save to the waiting black car. Shawn let Camila get in first which earned him some whistles and awe's from the crowd. Then he got in as well and slammed the door behind him.

"How are you feeling?", Shawn asked his girlfriend carefully and stroked her back.

Camila studied him and sighed. "Stupid, I guess. For not expecting this." She should have known better. Both were international popstars who were linked to each other since forever and people were interested in their lives.

That was also one of the reasons she'd avoided to date famous people in the past.

It also didn't help that Ariana was the one who posted Camila's little performance on her Twitter. She didn't blame her of course. They all let that happen when they got too drunk. She already had asked Camila if she should delete the post but the younger woman realized that it didn't matter anymore. Everyone had already seen it.

So she left it there and watched it breaking records. Most likes, most retweets, most everything. She was stunned how many people actually reacted to Shawn and her.

The whole thing escalated even more when Demi Lovato herself, who was actually one of the judges from the x-factor when Camila auditioned, praised her for her ' little performance' under Ariana's post, using hashtags like #that'showyoudoafuckinglapdance and #ruinthefriendshipshawmila which were trending worldwide by now.

And she wasn't the only celebrity. Even Taylor texted her.

But of course she didn't only get positive comments. Some were full of hate and death threats. Luckily, most of her and Shawn's fans seemed to be okay with them being together and defended them.

"You're not. Nobody did see this coming. Have you seen our managers? They were nervous wrecks", Shawn said, squeezing her hand slightly.

"I bet we'll get in trouble for being so careless", Camila giggled, thinking of Rodger's and Andrew's stressed faces.

"Well, I don't care", Shawn shrugged.

"Well, thank you for exsisting", Camila replied and leaned against his shoulder.


"How many likes would a video of my salad get?", Marlon asked Ellie curiously.

"Maybe five?", the other dancer said laughing. "But probably thousands if you have Camila in the background, 'secretly' admiring Shawn."

"Omg, you're right", Marlon said stunned.

"You're welcome, buddy", Ellie said.

"I heard you and it's not true", Camila said defensively from behind.

Both looked at her skeptically.

It was already dark and she sat on one of the tables with some of Shawn's dancers and had lunch. They didn't have time for it earlier because of the rehearsals.

"Okay I did. But I only wondered how he manages to stay so calm. I could never", Camila admitted, her gaze wandering back to her boyfriend who was standing in front of a huge mirror and got ready.

"Dancers go and warm up please. The show starts in fifteen minutes", Shawn's tour manager shouted into the dressing room and everyone moved.

When they were alone, Camila stood up and walked to him. Shawn smiled slightly and turned around to face her.

"Hey beautiful, are you bored?"

Camila shook her head. "Nope. I'm busy watching you."

"Say that again", he demanded grinning.

"I'm busy watching you."

Shawn kissed her passionately.

"Wow, what did I do to deserve this?", she asked happily but he didn't react. Camila already noticed that he seemed pretty upset the whole afternoon. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing", he replied and put on a fake smile.

"I'm not foolish, baby. Something is bothering you. Talk to me", Camila said seriously. He needed to open up to her more.

He sighed indecisively. "It's just the post."

Camila was confused. "What's about it?"

"Some of these comments were very... direct."

"You read them?", she asked surprised.

"Yeah. Obviously."

"So what? Ignore them. Some people just love to spread hate", Camila said, speaking from experience.

"No, you don't get it. Hate doesn't affect me anymore."

She raised her eyebrows questioningly and waited for him to continue.

"I'm just shocked that there are just so many disgusting sexists and perverts in the world. The things they said they want to do to you - even though it's obvious that there is something between us - were horrible."

Camila nodded. Some people really thought women were just toys to use and throw away. There was no respect.

"I know and it shouldn't bet his way. I'm so proud of all the couragous women who fight against it and stand up for their rights", she said.

"I'm proud of you too. For being the way you are. So inspiring, considerate and understanding", Shawn said.

The door opened and Andrew peeked in. "Are you ready? The show starts soon", he said awkwardly, realizing that he interrupted their moment.

"Yeah, just give me a second."

The door closed and Shawn took her hands. He looked right in her eyes and Camila felt herself slowly dying inside.

"I love you."

Before she could react, he had left the room.

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