Chapter 3

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Camila arrived a little too late at nine pm. Like Shawn and her manager Roger planned it. The VMA'S started exactly an hour ago and all the stars, fans, reporter and paparazzi were already inside to watch the show.

Camila's driver opened the door for her and she slowly stepped out of the car. Then she thanked him and watched him driving away.

Alone, Camila made her way to the entrance and walked over the deserted pink carpet. She wore an outstanding elegant silver dress which fell beautifully to the ground. Her long dark hair fell open and in gentle waves down her back and only a single strand was held back by a matching silver clasp. Even though the look was hold so simple, she looked like a long lost queen.

Camila entered the building but nervously stopped in front of the door which led to the large hall. Was that really a good idea? Everyone was going to see her. She hesitated. But then she felt her phone vibrate. Thankful for the distraction she opened the received message.

Shawn<3 :

Where are u @ ? Don't think too much, just do it. See ya, my favourite girl.

He was right. "Feel the fear and do it anyway", Camila said to herself and entered the room. It was one of the advises she always gave her fans.

At first nobody really noticed her. Everyone was too focused on the show. But when she went straight to her place which was unluckily in one of the front rows, a girl started screaming her name and drew all the attention in her direction. "CAMILA!"

Of course this had to happen.

Suddenly it went silent. Camila felt people staring at her and whispering to their sedentary neighbours. Paparazzi jumped up and down, trying to make the perfect picture and the reporters gave her sly looks, probably thinking of all the questions they were going to ask her later.

Camila bit her tongue, ignored them and walked ahead to Shawn who already waited for her. They hugged and then sit down next to each other. Not long after, the tumult subsided and she could breathe again. "Relax, you did great", Shawn said and smiled warmly. "Thanks." Then she sat back and watched the show continue.


Twenty minutes later, just after Ariana's performance, Camila was surprisingly hyped up. The only thing that really bothered her was the fact that she didn't see any of the girls she was here for. But there was still time. Shawn said he already saw Ally and Normani walking by earlier.

Camila watched Ariana walking off the stage and coming towards her and Shawn. Ariana smiled and opened her arms widely in greeting. Camila gave her a long hug and grinned. She hadn't seen her in a while but the stunning brunette was a close friend of hers for along time now. Ariana also wrote her tons of messages after the scandal but Camila didn't answer any of them which was one of the reasons why she felt a little guilty.

"Great show you did there, wifey!", Camila said. "Tell me about it!", Ariana smiled proudly. "It's so nice to see you here, Mila. I didn't really thought you would come but I'm so glad you did! Are you down for an after party later? Because I would love to invite you AND Shawn to mine. It's nothing too big, don't worry. I promise that I'll kill anyone who looks at you a little too long." Next to Camila Shawn chocked on his water and started coughing. Ariana glanced at him which only made the situation funnier but before she could say anything Camila answered. "I don't know yet but why not. Just text me the address and I'll decide later." "Excellent! See ya later, beautiful!", Ariana said and gave her a light kiss on the cheek.

The moment she walked away Camila hit Shawn who was still laughing and coughing on his shoulder.

Then she directed her eyes back to the stage only to immediately flinch back. After Shawn calmed down, he followed her gaze, took her hand and squeezed it slightly.

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