Chapter 2

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In the end they spent the entire night talking and eating chocolate. Camila was getting emotional the whole time but was glad to have him by her side. It was crazy to see how patient and supportive he actually was. When she first met Shawn she still was in Fifth Harmony and at the beginning of her career. Nobody would have thought how close they would become over the years. Them included. It was a really special and rare relationship.

"Hey do you want coffee? I would get us some", Shawn asked while walking out of the bathroom. His hair was still wet from showering. Camila grabbed her stuff and slipped past him.

"No, I don't like coffee that much. But a tea would be great." "Okay, I'll be right back", he said and walked out.

Grinning she entered the bathroom. But then she looked in the big mirror in front of herself. She really had to fix this mess. Camila's eyes looked tired and under them were big dark circles from the lack of sleep. She decided to put some makeup on. Usually she was way to lazy for this shit and only used it when she really needed to but she decided that Shawn already suffered enough by looking at her the last few hours in this condition. After that she tried to fix her hair which was a lot more difficult. Everywhere were knots and after a minute without achieving anything she just put them into a ponytail. Camila was quite happy with the result. At least she looked like a human being again. She put her favourite perfume on and started jamming.

"Ooh, where you from

Must be heaven

You'd be rich if looking good was your profession

Think I'm in love , 'cause you so sexy

Boy, I ain't talkin' about you, I'm talking to my own reflection

I'm talking to my own reflection

I'm talking to my own reflection

Boy, I ain't talkin' about you, I'm talking to my own reflection"

Camila started spinning around the room and ended up jumping on the bed, using her hairbrush as microphone. In the middle of the song she realized that Shawn had entered the room and was filming her. "Sing with me", she demanded and pointed her finger at him. Then she snatched his phone and directed the camera at him. He made a cute face but obeyed smilingly. Together they finished the song and high-fived.

"It's always a pleasure to sing with you, Mr Mendes. We should totally do it again", Camila said. And she meant it. The 'I know what you did last summer' -collaboration was still one of her favourites. It was the first song she had outside of Fifth Harmony and it was her song. It would always have a special place in her heart. She got to explore her song writing skills and that made her insanely happy. In this short period of her life she learned a lot about herself and gained more confidence and self awareness.

"Indeed. Does that mean you feel better?", he said and gave her a cup of tea. He couldn't say how happy he got when he saw her laughing and having fun again. "You could say so, I'm definitely working on it. By the way, did the paparazzi see you?", Camila asked curiously, thinking of the huge crowd outside who didn't move a bit since Tuesday. "I think not. My ninja skills finally paid off", he said proudly. Camila snorted and accidentally spilled some tea. "Ninja skills?! You literally stamp as loud as an elephant." He shrugged it off. "I don't see where the problem is. Elephants are really intelligent animals. There is probably a good reason why they stamp so loud."

"I'm sure there is. Anyway, what are our plans for today?", she asked. "Well since tomorrow are the VMA's and we're going to be busy I thought we're just watching some movies together."

Camila frowned. "Shawn I hate to break it to you but I'm not going. But that's okay I think they don't expect me to be there anyway."

"What? Camila this is insane. I heard Lauren, Normani and Ally are going to attend. And Dinah may as well. You wanted to talk to them so badly since leaving Fifth Harmony. This is your chance", he said totally shocked by her words but regretted it immediately when he saw a tear rolling down Camila's face. He knew she hated this situation. And he did too.

The girls and Camila didn't exactly end things on good terms. Approximately five months before leaving the band the things got out of hand. Her bottled up feelings came to the surface. Under tears she told them that she didn't feel like herself anymore and how desperately she wanted to escape. Ally and Normani were very upset at first but understood eventually. Dinah was unusually quiet and withdrew more and more. She said she needed some time by herself and Camila accepted that but it was really painful considering she was her best friend for years. Lauren didn't take it well at all. Most of the arguments were caused by them yelling at each other.

But the actual drama that went down between the two of them started way back. The whole Camren thing separated them. Camila told Lauren not to take it that serious knowing the fans would only react stronger if she did. But she wouldn't listen and blamed her for it. Time passed by and best friends became basically strangers.

Ally always tried to calm them down when the fights became too heated but gave up after witnessing them on a daily basis. In the end she just sat there and stared at them heart shattered.



Camila's pov:

I entered the tour bus and went straight to the kitchen. I was hungry and couldn't avoid the other girls much longer by not eating. Surprisingly the kitchen was empty. Maybe they were out I thought relieved. I grabbed some chocolate and turned around to leave.

Fuck. Too late. Normani and Dinah walked in, not even looking at me and sat down. Ally who followed them had a somewhat frightened expression on her face when she saw me and looked quickly at Lauren who's gaze focused on the chocolate in my hand.

"That's mine. Give it back." Her emerald green eyes radiated hatred and I felt instantly intimidated. "What? You don't even like chocolate", I said defending myself. "JUST GIVE IT BACK ALREADY AND STOP TALKING", she shouted, loosing her temper. "WHAT THE HELL? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? CALM DOWN", I yelled back.

"Guys stop it. This is ridiculous, we can find a way to solve th-", Ally started but Normani cut her off. "Ally there is nothing you can do. Leave it and sit down", she said sternly.

"No. YOU ALL are going to hear me out now. Every time - EVERY TIME - we all are together someone starts to fight. Don't you see how far we're drifting apart from each other? I had to watch Dinah basically becoming mute, Lauren having panic attacks, Normani throwing things against the wall and Camila starving herself because she's too afraid to go to the kitchen. That is what you call toxic! I can't do this any more. This has to end", she said crying and stormed out the room.


"Mila? Camila?!",Shawn tore her out of her thoughts. "Oh, I'm sorry. I got lost in my memories", she said sadly. "No I'm sorry, I didn't want to pressure you. It's still your decision and I understand if you don' t feel ready enough to go. There will be a lot of reporters and they'll ask for the whole story about Hussey."

When did he become so insightful?

"Sooner or later I would've to face this anyway. You're right. I have to go. I need to see the girls and talk shit out. But at least, you're gonna be by my side, right?", Camila said while looking at him questioningly.

"Of course. Now, let's make some waffles", he said and pulled her up.

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