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3 years later

"Guys listen! Mila just called me and said they'll be here in twenty minutes. She doesn't seem to know that we're in New York", Dinah said excitedly. "WHAT? 20 MINUTES? We need to hurry!", Ariana replied shocked. "We would have been finished long ago if Lexie hadn't destroyed everything again. That girl is pure evil and Lauren, your dog isn't exactly helping either!", Normani exclaimed. "Come on Mani! I couldn't leave Grace alone, could I?", Lauren said defensively while putting the candles on the table. "And Camz and Shawn adore Lexie. She's their godchild, it wouldn't be right to throw a surprise party without her."

All five of them looked to the kitchen where Sofia and Aaliyah, who currently had holidays, were entertaining the two-year-old blonde.

"They would be good aunts", Ariana said. Dinah nodded in agreement. "The best. I'm still waiting for the moment where Mila tells us that she's pregnant." Normani laughed. They already made bets when that would be the case.

"Leave her alone. She just finished her third world tour, she needs to rest", Lauren scolded them. She hadn't seen her best friend in months and was really looking forward to her arrival.

"True, she has been working so hard. I'm glad she has Shawn by her side", Ally said, a little concerned while she inflated balloons.

"And us", Dinah added.

The doorbell rang and their attention was drawn in its direction. Ariana opened the door (completely terrified) and sighed in relieve when she saw Lucie and Taylor in front of it. "Thank God it's you! I thought Shawn and Mila were already here."

Lucie's brown eyes widened. "You're not ready yet?"

"Almost, but we still need to do something with the lighting", Normani explained. "We can help with that", Taylor said, inspecting the room. "You can keep your daughter away while we're doing it", Dinah told her.

"I don't know what you mean D. Lexie seems pretty harmless to me", Lucie said sarcastically, spotting the young girl. "Ughh, yeah. She just has this extremely innocent look. Every time I need to tell myself that I won't fall for it again", Lauren said laughing and kissed her wife in greeting. They married a year ago- rather spontaneous and in London where they first met and now lived.

"Not now guys! Hurry up!", Ariana shouted from behind. Taylor, Dinah and Normani quickly handled the lighting while the rest was searching for hiding spots.

"Does everyone know where to hide now?", Lauren asked. "Yeah but we need to make sure that she's silent for a minute", Ariana said and pointed at Lexie. "Don't worry, we talked to her", Aaliyah said soothingly.

"They are here", Sofia, who was spying through the peephole in the door, called into the living room.


"Shawn that is really not necessary", Camila said smiling when her boyfriend carried her luggage inside. "It is, babygirl. You're clearly exhausted and jet-lagged", Shawn exclaimed. She nodded. "I am but do you think we could invite the girls? I miss them", she asked pleadingly. "Well why not. It's been a while", he answered gently. Camila gave him a quick kiss before she walked into the living room.

"Shawn?", she asked when she looked around. "Why-"

"SURPRISE!", nine voices called out.

Dinah and Lauren were the first to reach the startled brunette and pulled her into a tight hug. Behind them Lucie attacked Shawn and wrestled him to the ground. The others laughed and patiently waited for their turn to greet their best friends.

"Guys, that was like.. the best surprise ever. Thank you so much, I love you", Camila said emotionally and pulled her sister to her side. "We love you too, sweetie", Ally said smiling. "Y'all are so corny, like seriously", Dinah said and rolled her eyes. But a minute later she pulled them all in a group hug again. "Just kidding, I really missed us being together."

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