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Jimin opens the car door and throws his bag inside, before getting in himself. He makes eye contact with his mother, who is watching his with a disappointed look, and shuts the car door with a bang.

The car engine starts and Jimin looks out the window towards the campus. He sighs, watching it getting smaller and smaller by each second. He turns his head towards the phone on his lap. He connects the earphones and puts them into his ears, not feeling prepared for whatever his parents have in mind.

He doesn't realize he felt asleep, until he jolts awake, startled by the car door shutting loudly. He rubs his eyes tiredly and looks out the window, squinting because of the sun. A gasp escapes his mouth when he finds himself face to face with a rectory. It's towering over the car, its grey painting peeling off in the corners and the many windows feel like they are staring at Jimin.

His door is suddenly opened and he straightens himself when he sees his father was the one to open and behind him stand two figures: his mother and someone who he has never seen before, a man looking twice his age, dressed in a black, religious gown and having black hair. He is staring at Jimin with the smallest smile the younger has seen.

"Out, Jimin," he hears his father's voice and he turns to his bag, snatches it and steps out of the car. He runs his hand through his hair to arrange it a bit after the ride and takes a second to adjust his eyes to the blazing sun outside.

"Welcome, Jimin," an unknown voice wishes in a sweet, calm tone. It comes from the attractive older man that stands next to his mother, hands put together in front of him.

"Uh...hi," Jimin scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Well, from here on, you are in priest Min's care. He will update us constantly on your behavior and development and we will decide when you can go back," his father says, before bowing and turning to the car and ultimately getting in.

His mother is silent as she take slow steps towards the car.


"Be good, Jimin," she says before shutting the car door.

Jimin is only left to watch the car engine start up and the car departing, passing through the gate before disappearing, leaving the two males standing there alone.

A throat clears behind him and Jimin never turned around so fast in his entire life. He doesn't have any intention of actually respecting or listening to this dude, but he supposes he could try his best to pretend it. He needs to get back to campus.

"Come, Jimin. Let me take you to your room, before I will give you a tour of the church," the bizarre man next to him says, starting to walk ahead of Jimin.

They pass all sorts of doors and go through some hallways, before arriving at a high as hell, black staircase made of steel. They seem to go forever, before it reaches a wide, barely enlightened hallway. Jimin already feels lost by the time they reach a barely-taller-than-him, maroon door. The man opens it, along with some creaking, and steps aside.

"Leave your bag here, you can settle in after the tour."

Jimin scoffs and pulls the bag off his shoulders and onto the bed. "Can't we just do it later or something? I am hungry now, let's eat instead."

"No. Now come, you must know your way around before dinner time."

Jimin rolls his eyes when he is sure the priest can't see him and follows behind, tramping his feet like a small child.

They go downstairs and the tour begins, with Jimin not paying even half a mind to it all. The man shows him the kitchen, where he should only enter if asked to and the dining area where he must be present at specific times for meals, unless, of course, he is ill. The living room, where a TV lays and seems to not have been use since forever ago, if ever. Priest Min mentions that this is where they will do the night routine, to which Jimin raises an eyebrow.

The priest shows Jimin the chapel, which is situated a few hallways away from the 'living space'. He explains what every part of the chapel is for and even mentions what Jimin's work will come to be at a point. Jimin mentally shoots himself in the head.

Jimin has never been a 'God person'. He doesn't care much for it. He doesn't see the point of worshipping something that might not even exist. He fucks whoever he wants, he has his own friends and habits and happiness- no big, holy person is gonna stop him from those.

He continues to follow the priest around, but his mind wanders. The man looks hella hot, silver cross dangling from his neck and that black gown leaves too much for imagination. Jimin could see himself tugging on that cross while being underneath him.

He would continue his thoughts, if he didn't slam into a body while not paying attention. He raises his head and looks into the priest's eyes. The man seems annoyed.

"What was the last thing I said?" he asks.

Jimin stutters some nonsense, before the man in front of him glares fiercely.

"Show me your palm." the priest orders.

"Why the fuck?"

"Show it!" he raises his voice.

"You are nuts, dude. Leave me alone." Jimin takes a step back, holding his hands besides his head.

"You came here, into my house, and you have the responsibility to respect me and listen to me when I am talking to you! Now, show me the palms or we might have a big problem, Park Jimin."

Jimin is left speechless after the priest's outburst and hesitantly stretches his hand so both his palms are turned upwards and around his chest level.

A slapping sound echoes throw the hallways and Jimin yelps in pain.


[Jimin is not religion-pro at all in the fic and if that upsets you or your believes, please proceed with care.

It's not really realistic, it's fiction after all. and i am not used to religious terms, so i might make mistakes or it to be super weird :)

enjoy reading tho]

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