Twenty Two

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It's chilly inside the car as the air conditioning is on. He fastens his seat belt and tugs the backpack to his chest.

"So how come you were in the middle of the role alone at this hour?" The guy turns towards Jimin with that same smile on his face.

The man looks like a hippie, the curly, long and unruly hair giving off that vibe. His wrists are covered by bracelets from wood to very colorful plastic ones and golden ones.

Jimin takes a few second to answer the man, time in which the man gets his eyes off the road and looks at Jimin again.

The younger clears his throat before giving a stuttered answer, "I am...uh...running away...kinda."

The man's facial expression changes abruptly to show his surprise and shock. He then looks again studying Jimin's face.

"No offense, but you don't seem abused."

Jimin furrows his brows and stares at the man in confusion.


And then his slow mind finally connects the dots. Before the unknown person can open his mouth to explain, Jimin jumps to talk.

"No, no, I am not abused. I was sent to live with someone around here and I just don't fit in." he tries to explain without giving too much information.

'You aren't worth it'

Of course the older man in the car wouldn't care about his boring life story. So he is trying to limit his talking to be somehow worthy of being listened to.

"Oh. I didn't know people lived around here. In the woods?" his voice is filled with curiosity.

Jimin chuckles softly, "Yeah actually. It's a rectory and some nuns and a priest live there. I am not much with religion, though, you know? I don't fit in."

The man looks chill right now, driving slowly and smooth.

"Just find your place. You aren't forced to stay where you don't feel peace. Want a cigarette?"

A flashback of Yoongi crosses his mind when the question appears. 'He wouldn't like me to accept.'

"Yeah, sure."

A few minutes later, Jimin has his hand out of the opened window, wind blowing his hand and brushing against his face. A cigarette is held tight in his hand.

When the car enters a city, the lights on every house and building mask the night's darkness. Jimin feels calm.

Despite it being night time, the street is buzzing with people and energy. Pedestrians are walking on the side of the street, chatting and laughing. The noise is filling Jimin's insides with a longing feeling.

He suddenly remembers Taehyung and their parties. All the fun they had and all the people they fucked with. He fucked with them actually, as Taehyung has a girlfriend. It was fun and for a while Jimin somehow forgot the feeling.

Now, surrounded by the city, he is reminded of how he used to be around 2 weeks ago. Such a short time and yet it affected him greatly.

As he takes a drag from the cigarette, a voice disturbs the silence in the car.

"So where are you going now? Have any plan?"

"To be very honest, I have no idea where I am going. My plan was to get out of there, now I am pretty lost." Jimin scratches his nape in embarrassment.

The man puts on a thinking expression before he turns to face Jimin. The car is stopped at a traffic light.

"How about you crash at mine's for a while? I live with a few friends in an apartment and I think you could sleep on the sofa. But only until you decide where to go."

The man has a serious face and is staring into Jimin's eyes. Waiting for an answer.

Jimin runs his hands through his hair and doesn't give an immediate response. He would need a shower and staying in an apartment would be ideal in the meantime while he searches for what to do.

Jimin freezes as he is hit by the reality. He has nowhere to go, he doesn't have a goal for this 'escape'. He can't exactly go back to the campus, because once Yoongi notices he isn't coming to dinner, he will call his parents.

Desperation overwhelms him and he feels so light headed all of a sudden. He can still feel the man's gaze on him and his eyes water.

Looking up, he fakes a yawn to subtle give an explanation for the tears. He takes in a big breath before vocalizing his answer.

"That would be lovely, thank you," Jimin's voice is slightly shaky and he forces a smile to hide it, "but I have to refuse. I have some friends in the nearby city, I will call them and plan from there."

The man looks unconvinced, but let's it go very quickly.

"Very well then."

The car starts again and they go a bit more until the guy pulls over.

"If you go straight, that's the center of the city. You can find anything you want there."

Jimin nods, feeling scared at the thought of being left completely alone and helpless in an unknown city. He opens the door and steps outside.

Turning towards the guy, Jimin bows low to show his gratitude.

"Have fun!" the guy exclaims, before Jimin shuts the door shut and he speeds off.

He remains behind, alone and suddenly craving for Yoongi. Even to shout at him would be better than standing on the side of the road, lonely and surrounded by complete darkness, except the lights from the buildings around.

He has to suck it up and be the man here. He stays here currently, craving for an older man who rejected him countless times, finds him unworthy of being loved and is a goddamn priest to top it off!

Sighing, Jimin turns towards where the man pointed the center to be and starts walking.

It takes around 5 steps before a figure slams hard into his side and runs away with his bag.

[Y'all have been questioning why my updates are so short and I am sorry🙈

I am currently doing my driving school and this week I am hoping to go to the theoretical exam and if I take it, to the driving one

Also I am in 12th grade and in my country this is a very hard and serious year, so bare with me

Nonetheless, yay update!! This one is hopefully longer than the other ones

Oof Jimin just has a way of being unlucky, it's quite something!!


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