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Jimin whips his head towards the door where the scared voice came from. There stays the priest, a hand on the side of the door and one over his heart.

"Come here right now! I called you to dinner a few times, just to find you were messing around."

Jimin carefully stands up, the floor creaking under the movement. His eyes fly to the frame and he quickly crawls towards it, making sure to avoid the cracked wood.

He snatches it from the floor and coughs lightly when the dusts raises in the air. With a hand he wipes the glass and sees a smiling boy, behind him what seems like a hill with many flowers. He has light brown hair, dark eyebrows and carries an innocent, wide smile. He doesn't look to the camera, instead something to his right caught his attention right when the photo was taken. He has a long neck too. He seems young and happy.

The frame is taken suddenly from his hand with force and he looks up into the man's annoyed eyes. They are the same height, Jimin notes.

The man takes a look at the boy in the frame and his features freeze. His eyes go from a glare to being gentle and Jimin thinks he can see them watering. The older's hands start shaking. The object is dropped next to his feet and he marches out of the attic, gripping Jimin's forearm and dragging him along. The door is close behind with a loud 'boom'.

Jimin doesn't understand who the boy in the photo could be so that he has such an effect on the emotionless and annoying priest.

They arrive to the dining room, two plates with food placed on each end of the table. The priest lets go of Jimin and sits on his side.

Jimin goes and sits on the other side and inspects the plate. Fried chicken breast with mashed potatoes and some tomatoes slice. His stomach growls at the sight- it looks better and healthier than what they serves at the campus.

"What were you doing up there?" a voice breaks the silence.

"You said I can walk around," Jimin shrugs one shoulder and takes the first bite. He has to stop a moan from escaping at the taste. Did the priest cook or is there a cook?

"That is the last part of the house I hoped you would see."

"Why? If you want me to not go there, you should put a sign or something. You know, as warning," Jimin explains while chewing on his food.

Yoongi makes a disgusted face at the sight of the disrespectful young boy. He tries to stop his staring and clears his throat to get the attention on himself.

"My name is Min Yoongi, but you are under no circumstances going to call me 'Yoongi', it is 'priest Min' for you. Also, you are under my roof now, so you have the responsability to respect me, listen to me and do what you are told to do." Jimin can be heard scoffing under his breath. "You can leave a better person from here, you just have to go along with the rules. If you refuse to do any of them, or space out while I am talking to you, you will get punished."

"Punished? What can you do? Slap my palms every time I don't want to hear your boring speeches? Go ahead! Can't wait to see how that will make me a better person, Yoongi," he literally snarls the last word.

"You will learn to behave soon, Park Jimin. You received a punishment today already, so I am not going to give you another one. I understand being here is tough for you, and it's just your first day, but let's try to be as calm as possible and as understandable to each other, otherwise this training won't work for you."

"Training?" Jimin jumps from the table, forks dropping to the floor with a loud sound. "I don't need 'training'. What the fuck did my parents even tell you I am here for? I am here because my parents are two close-minded fucks who can't accept that I like fucking with guys." Jimin suddenly laughs hysterically when he sees the face Yoongi is making at his words.

"It's gonna be so much fun here with you, Min Yoongi."

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