Twenty Nine

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[contains literal church smut towards the end of the chapter!!]

   "I think we should call your parents."

   Jimin whips his head to look up at the priest.


   Yoongi rubs at his nape, letting out a heavy breath. When he looks up into Jimin's eyes, he looks tired, somehow older and done. And the younger now takes a second longer to really look at the man in front of him.

   His shoulders dropped, clothes more wrinkled than usual, hair messy. Under his dark, now tired eyes, lay light purple bags.

   "You shouldn't be here." his words are spoken clearly, but with a noticeable hesitation. Jimin stares while he sits onto the couch next to the younger.

   "You have so much to experience, so much to live through. I will not-" he raises his voice to emphasize the negation, "-let you waste your time here with me. You have to show your parents you changed, that you are a better person and to let them take you back to the campus."

   Jimin throws his phone somewhere onto the couch and turns to face the man, palms formed into fists in anger.

   "You want me to leave? You didn't help me in any way!" he jumps onto his feet, staring down at the seemingly smaller man, "You were supposed to change me from bisexual to straight. If anything, you just made me gayer."

   Yoongi raises as well, now both maintaining a strong eye contact.

   "I don't want you to be less homosexual. I want you to have fun, life out there together with your friends and not to be held back."

   "I am happy with you!" Jimin screams at the top of his lungs, "Why can't you let me stay here? We can go on hikes, garden outside, clean the rectory, visit the towns nearby. Please don't push me away now!"

   Both remain silent after that, Jimin breath hard as aftermath of his loud screaming. Yoongi sighs and comes near the younger, before gripping him into a bone-crashing hug.

   With his mouth now close to his ear and both hands wrapped tightly around the fit, small male, Yoongi speaks again.

   "If you consider this a relationship, we won't break it. I promise you that." he takes a step back and places both his palms onto the warm cheeks of the younger's, "you will go have fun, enjoy college as you should, not stuck inside a lonely rectory, finish the school year and then come visit me again. I will wait for you, always."

   Tears gather into Jimin's eyes thinking of leaving the older male, after these few weeks together. He can positively see himself changing around the priest, he is still somehow playful, but feels more mature on the inside than before arriving here. He wants Yoongi to be proud of him, to be worthy of a relationship with the man.

   "Shh," the older mutters, wiping the tears, "you are a big boy, aren't you?"

   "Yes, daddy."

   A groan and a yelp come one after the other.


   And so, a few days later, both the priest and the boy are sitting in front of the house, watching as the familiar car pulls into the garden. The engine's purr is one Jimin hasn't missed and the more the car advances towards them, the more dread he feels.

   How he hasn't missed his parents.

   It comes to a stop, parking right in front of Jimin and he can see his father at the wheel and his mother staring into his eyes. He adverts his eyes and looks at the small rocks underneath his shoes instead.

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