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"What?" Hoseok asks confused as his shirt is gripped tightly and is dragged behind Jimin.

Jimin doesn't answer, instead he continues to walk ahead. All he can feel is burning rage towards the scene he witnessed just now. The way Namjoon was touching Yoongi, so subtle and yet seductive.

"I thought they were supposed to be anti-gay. How come priests are so fucking gay themselves?" Jimin mutters under his breath, so Hoseok doesn't understand what he is saying.

"Jimin! Jimin, stop! Where are we going? What did you mean by that?" Hoseok is quick to let out his questions, wanting Jimin to clarify the situation.

Jimin stops after they arrive behind the cottage. Hidden from anyone. Hoseok lets out a huff as he slams into him. They look at each other, before Jimin speaks in a calm voice.

"I want to show you something. How about being a bit reckless?" Jimin's voice is full of mystery and Hoseok is mesmerized by the idea.

"Did you ask priest Kim? I wouldn't want to be punished and I might disappoint him as well."

Hoseok wants to accompany Jimin in being reckless, he wishes to do something very exciting. But his insides are giving warning signals, because the way the older next to him is talking, it may not end well and he doesn't like disobeying.

"Don't worry. Everything is covered." Jimin lies so easily.

"Oh, okay." Hoseok has a weird feeling about this.

Jimin places a hand on Hoseok's jawline, lifting his head so they can look into each other's eyes. He moves the hand upwards, cupping his whole cheek and slowly caressing it, to calm him down.

His voice is low, quiet, as meant only for Hoseok's ears to hear. A secret of their own. "Trust me."

Hoseok is hooked.

Every move is slow, no one hurrying anything. No noise can be heard around.

Jimin lifts onto his tiptoes and still staring into the younger's eyes, he moves as close as possible, nose touching gently.

He has a wandering thought of kissing the other on the lips. He approaches enough to make it a reality, but the second he closes his eyes to get into the situation, behind close eyelids Yoongi's image appears for a fraction of a second.

He jerks his head, not sudden enough to scare Hoseok though, and presses his plush lips to a warm cheek.

An arm grips his forearm and a voice about him stutters badly, as Jimin lowers to kiss over his clavicle.

"Are you sure this is okay?" he sounds wrecked, voice frail and unsure.

"Trust me." Jimin repeats himself, unbuttoning Hoseok's shirt. He is lean, seems to have some muscles, but not too overpowering. He is pretty.

Hoseok shuts his mouth, the situation clouding his head. Instead of stopping what's happening to him, he is confused, mind busy taking in all the new events.

Hoseok gasps as Jimin lets his hands run over the toned stomach and lowers himself to sit on his knees. He touches around the sensitive area. He tugs onto the pants and pushes Hoseok's legs to open them further.

Hoseok quickly closes his legs tightly, not liking the way he is touched. He feels warm, bothered in an unpleasant way and he wants to go back to his room.

"I don't think this is right-"

"Park Jimin!"

Yoongi's voice breaks the silence and cuts Hoseok off. His eyes are wide, anger visible inside them and he is sporting a deep frown.

"Step away from Hoseok. Now!" his voice raises into a scream.

Hoseok yelps, embarrassed and upset that the priest had to catch him being in such a sinful situation. With another male nonetheless.

Jimin smirks and puts his right hand over Hoseok's covered private bits.

"But why? Weren't you also all touchy just now with priest Kim? If you ain't about to give me relief, I am gonna find some myself."

Yoongi rips Jimin from Hoseok by his ear. He turns towards the blushing victim.

"I am so sorry for his behavior, Hoseok. I am not asking to forgive him, but please just consider that Jimin is on the way of finding himself still. He doesn't know any better."

Hoseok flushes even redder, hands covering the pent up front of his boxers and nods quickly.

He is left behind, alone behind the cottage to collect his thoughts, while Jimin is being dragged by his ear inside the rectory.

They pass through the hallways and arrive at Yoongi's room. The door is opened and Jimin is thrown inside. This takes him back to when he first got punished inside the room with a wooden stick.

He is mentally preparing himself to see Yoongi taking it out again, but he doesn't do that.

A loud gasp escapes him when his hands are tightened together with a thick dark rope. He tugs on them, but the hold is strong enough so he can't move.

"You never learn. You went through pain, through embarrassment, through damn ice cold water, but you just can't get it through. Stop sexualizing me! The devil must be working hard with you Jimin, if you keep forcing your homosexual ways against a priest."

Jimin bats his long eyelashes cutely. "The only hard working devil here and right now is my dick. You could tame it, daddy"


[what kind of punishment could Yoongi do now that he has Jimin in such a position?

the scene with Hoseok is inspired by my friend's almost rape situation. she explained to me how her mind was so clouded and she was taking everything in, she wasn't at that moment thinking it might be rape.

fortunately, someone found them quick enough so he wasn't able to do anything to her.

might be weird or cruel inspiration, but as he didn't do anything to her, she wasn't affected by it in any way. so it's alright :)

i wanted to explain that in case anyone might think Hoseok is stupid for not screaming or reacting too much


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